Mahonia fortunei

Mahonia fortunei
Mahonia fortunei
Mahonia fortunei
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Berberidaceae
Genus: Mahonia
Species: M. fortunei
Binomial name
Mahonia fortunei

Mahonia fortunei is a medium-size shrub in the Mahonia genus and Berberidaceae family. It is a mutli-stemmed upright shrub native to China, East Asia and the Himalaya. It is commonly known as Chinese Mahonia.

Mahonia is a genus of about 70 species closely related to the genus Berberis. The genus name Mahonia is controversial because Bontanists believe this genus should be included in the genus Berberis. There is no definite morphological distinction between the two geneses, and hence Botanists argue the existence of a separate genus called Mahonia.[1]



It is a evergreen shrub that grows 3 to 5 feet tall. It grows upright, round and spreads over an area of 3 to 5 feet across. The overall growth rate of this shrub is slow to moderate which gives rise to its moderate density. The leaf type is odd-pinnately compound and the leaves are alternate in arrangement.[2] Leaves are pale yellowish green in color. The abaxially located leaves occasionally appear slightly glaucous.[3] The blade of the evergreen leaves between is 4 to 8 inches.[4] The rachis of the leaflet is about 1–2 mm in diameter. The internodes located between two nodes are estimated at 1.5–4 cm in length. The foliage is borne in tufts at the top of the stems. It produces small yellow flowers in autumn, winter and spring. The flowers are inflorescence, 4–10 fascicled racemes.[5] The shrub is hermaphroditic since the flowers consists of both male and female reproductive organs. It is an entomophilus plant because pollination occurs via insects. The flowers on this plant have a sweet pleasant scent. And the fruits on this shrub are blue-black fleshy berries that are small and round in shape. The berries have an acidic flavor to them, and are rich in vitamin C. The berries are edible but have too many seeds, making them difficult to eat. The fruit can be cooked or eaten raw. It does not lose its acidic flavor even after cooking.[6]

Medicinal Uses

“Mahonia Fortunei” has many medicinal uses. It has properties such as anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The leaves exhibit anti-cancer property, whereas the rhizomes are antibacterial in nature. In the rhizomes of Mahonia fortunei, an alkaloid compound called Berberine is present. Berberine is anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and febrifuge in nature. Febrifuge and odontalgia are extracted from the rhizome of the Mahonia fortunei. Febrifuge helps reduce fever by lowering the body temperature. Odontalgia on the other hand, treats toothache while also treating other problems related to teeth and gum. Berberine is an antioxidant found in the shrub that gives it anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This compound has antibacterial effects, and thus kills bacteria. The human body is unable to absorb berberine, and hence it is used orally in the treatment of various intestinal infections, one of which is bacterial dysentery. Mahonia fortunei is used as a bitter tonic because it improves general health through a steady advancement in health. Berberine in Mahonia fortunei prevents and is effective in treating tumors. It interferes and suppresses the growth of various types of cancer cells.[7] It also acts as a natural herbal antidepressant, and protects nerves against various nerve degenerative diseases.[8]

Other uses

This species is grown as a garden plant for many reasons. It is easy to grow in any kind of good garden soil. It is small in height, and does not spread invasively from its multi-stemmed center. They are grown as ornamentals for their evergreen foliage, yellow showy flowers, and small blue-black fleshy berries.[9]


This species is widely cultivated in China and is also cultivated in Indonesia, Japan, and United States.[10] The plant requires light, but is also able to grow in full shade or semi shade. It can grow in varieties of soil type including slightly alkaline, acidic, clay and sand. It can also grow in soil that is poor in nutrition. It is moderately tolerant to drought.[11] It is easy to grow and also Hybridizes freely with other members of this genus.[12]


Mahonia fortunei can be easily grown in new regions. It has compromising physical characteristics that allow it to propagate in new regions. To grow mahonia fortunei, the seed is sown right after it is ripe. The seed is green in color when ripe, and is usually stored in cold temperatures before it is sown in late winter or early spring. The seed sown right after it is harvested starts germinating in the spring. It takes about 3–6 months for the seed to germinate. The seedling once large enough is transferred to the greenhouse to protect it from the winter. It is planted outdoors after it is protected from the two consecutive winters. Spring is the favorable time to plant Mahonia fortunei. As the shrub continues to mature, every autumn the leaves are cut.[13]



1. “Berberis Linnaeus”. Flora of North America.

2. Gilman, Edward F. "Mahonia Fortunei." Univerisity of Florida, Oct. 1999. <>

3. Junshen, Ying, David E. Bouffor, and Anthony R. Brach. "Mahonia." Fl. China 19: 772–782. 2011. <>

4. ^ Kulkarni SK, Dhir A (December 2009). "Berberine: a plant alkaloid with therapeutic potential for central nervous system disorders". Phytotherapy Research 24 (3): 317–324

5. "Mahonia Fortunei."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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