

Dyesol is a maker of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC or DSC) materials and technology, including components,and research and development. DSC technology can be directly incorporated into buildings (Building Integrated Photovoltaics or BIPV)

Headquartered in Queanbeyan, New South Wales in Australia, it opened its new manufacturing facilities on the 7th of October 2008, heralding a significant increase in production capacity. It has expanded internationally to strategic locations around the world - in Europe there are operations in the UK, Germany, Italy and Switzerland; in Asia a subsidiary in Japan, with operations in Singapore, Taiwan as well as a joint venture in Korea; and a subsidiary has been set up in the USA servicing North America.

It was founded in 1995[1] and was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2005.[2]

Dyesol and Tata steel announced in June 2011 the creation of the world´s largest dye sensitised photovoltaic module. This announcement is considered groundbreaking in the solar industry, having far reaching implications to the scale and breadth that solar steel can attain, including the potential to achieve terawatt hours of power generation from the actual building envelope. [3]

TATA-Dyesol DSC on Steel
Transperant Tandem DSC on Glass



DSC includes ruthenium dye (light-absorbing material) sandwiched between Pilkington TCO glass and an electrolyte, a layer of titania (a pigment used in white paints and tooth paste) that absorbs the electrons to become an electric current. Dyesol is the primary centre of the world's research into this 3rd generation solar technology.[4]

Subsidiaries and Partnerships

  • World Wide Rights
  1. Tata-Dyesol (Tata Steel Europe) for photovoltaic Colorcoat roof production (application of DSSC on steel sheeting).
  2. Dyetec Solar (Pilkington NSG Group) for glass based DSSC for use on BIPV/BAPV
  3. Dyesol-Bavaria (BMW) for Flexible SureVolt DSC for use on AIPV (Similar to Flexible OPV)
  • Dyesol-Timo ( South Korea , on Glass/Polymers/Steel )

  • Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing/Meerkat ( Manufacturing facilities for use by Dyesol Partners)
  • Merck KGaA ( Supplying Electrolytes ,Ionic Liquids and Research for use by Dyesol Partners)
  • Umicore ( Supplying Dyes and Research for use by Dyesol Partners)
  • Sefar AG ( Supplying Transparent Conductors for Polymers for use by Dyesol Partners)

See also


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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