Alfred A. Barrios

Alfred A. Barrios

Dr. Alfred A. Barrios is a clinical psychologist (B.S. Caltech, Ph.D. UCLA) and founder and current director of the Self-Programmed Control Institute in Los Angeles.



Barrios has a B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and received his PhD from UCLA.


Barrios lectures to medical professionals across the country on the psychological approach to reviving the body's natural defenses against cancer, an area in which he has achieved international recognition. In 1996, he received the first annual Cancer Federation Award from the Cancer Federation in psychoneuro-immunology, and was nominated for the Norman Cousins Award in Mind-Body Health.


Barrios is the author of two published books: Towards Greater Freedom and Happiness (1978), ISBN 0-9601926-1-1, and Understanding Hypnosis: Theory, Scope and Potential (2009), ISBN 978-1-60692-709-0.

24 Qualities That Geniuses Have in Common was an article written by Dr. Barrios that was first printed by the National Enquirer in 1980 and was later reprinted and distributed by L. Ron Hubbard.



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