C. A. Qadir

C. A. Qadir

C. A. Qadir (4 November 1909–1987) was a Pakistani professor of Philosophy. He was born in Pasrur, Punjab, Pakistan.


He took his early education in Sialkot, and received a master's degree in philosophy from Government College Lahore in 1932. He became a lecturer in Government College Lahore, then joined Punjab University, from which he eventually retired as professor and head of the Department of Philosophy.

Qadir was a founding member of the Pakistan Philosophical Congress. After serving his first term as its president, he was selected to maintain that post for life.

Qadir has written thirty books on philosophy, ethics, and psychology. His major work, Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World (Croom Helm, 1988; reprinted Routledge, 1990) is a critical study of Islamic philosophy. His other major books are The World of Philosophy (Lahore, 1965) and Logical Positivism (Lahore, 1965).[1]

Qadir fathered five daughters and four sons. His great granddaughter, Noor Irfan, is also a writer.


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