
Industry Telecommunications
Founder(s) Dov Moran
Headquarters Kfar Saba, Israel
Area served Israel and worldwide
Services Mobile phone services
Employees 130+

modu is an Israeli mobile phone company that was founded in 2007 by Dov Moran. modu company holds the record for the worlds lightest mobile phone. The modu phone enables users to personalize their mobile's looks and features in a simple way by inserting it into a range of unique phone enclosures, known as modu jackets.

modu is headquartered in Kfar-Saba, Israel, and has over 130 employees, most of whom are suing the company in order to receive back pay. On January 14 2011, it was announced that modu will be ceasing operations in February 2011 as it attempts to pay back debts and salaries owed to its workers.[1]. In mid May 2011 Google acquired several patents of Modu Mobile for 4.9 million $[2]



Today's modular phones are designed to pack in as many applications as possible, and are thus larger in size. The modu phone is the opposite: small and compact (it holds the Guinness world record for most compact phone at a depth of 7.8 millimeters). The concept behind this design is that the phone is small enough to fit into any jeans pocket, and can be inserted into a variety of modu jackets. Each modu jacket has its own style and unique functions. In this way, the modu phone essentiallychangesfunctionality and shape according to the users different needs and desires throughout the day.

Core: The modu 1 Phone

modu 1 phone
modu 1 phone

The modu 1 phone is the heart of the modu jacket ecosystem and is the worlds lightest, fully functional phone and a record holder of the Guinness Book of Records™. The modu phone enables complete mobile functionalitytexts, calls, and Bluetoothapplications. It contains 2GB of internal memory and a music player. With each individual modu jacket, the modu phone adopts a new interface and range of functions.

modu jackets

Seven types of modu jackets are currently available.

The modu express, speedy, and shiny jackets offer enhanced mobile interfaces and experiences along with an ample range of fun new applications. Designed especially for exercisers, the modu sport jacket offers extended functionalities for training sessions. The modu jacket, which wraps easily around the arm, monitors workouts, plays music and ensures that the user is available when needed.

Alternatively, the modu night jacket turns the modu phone into a stylish device with a distinctive angled keyboard, cool and designed surround lighting and a camera.

The photo frame jacket serves as a desktop companion that charges the modu phone while displaying pictures and playing music. The photo frame jacket enables hands-free conversation and features a practical keypad that allows easy dialing and navigation through the modu phone menu. It can also be operated with a remote control, included in the product box.

The i-mu speaker, which also acts as a charger, uses innovative technology to turn any surface on which it is placed into a resonance amplifier. Hence, each surface creates a unique sound according to the density of the material from which it is made.

Further models are planned for the future, including the new generation of the modu phonemodu T phone. Incredibly light, yet fully functional and innovative, the phone will include a music player and a mass storage device of either 2.75G or 3.5G. It is scheduled for distribution winter 2010 and holds the record for the lightest touch phone in the world, as cited by the Guinness Book of World Records™.

modu express jacket
modu express jacket
modu night jacket
modu night jacket
mody shiny jacket
modu shiny jacket
modu speedy jacket
modu speedy jacket
photo frame jacket
photo frame jacket
modu i-mu speaker
i-mu speaker
modu sport jacket
modu sport jacket


modu partners include:

BUG - Israel
Claro - Brazil, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras
Conoxel - Nigeria
Globe - Philippines
Mobicity - online sales in Australia
PurelyGadgets - online sales in United Kingdom
TDT Distribution - Romania
Micromax - India



External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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