heart|rot — «HAHRT ROT», noun. 1. a disease which causes decay in the heart of a tree. 2. a fungous disease of the roots of beets … Useful english dictionary
heart-rot — heartˈ rot noun Decay in the hearts of trees, caused by various fungi • • • Main Entry: ↑heart … Useful english dictionary
heart rot — ▪ plant pathology widespread disease of trees, root crops, and celery. Most trees are susceptible to heart rotting fungi that produce a discoloured, lightweight, soft, spongy, stringy, crumbly, or powdery heart decay. Conks or mushrooms… … Universalium
Rot (Spielkarten) — Herz – im französischen Blatt , bzw. im deutschen Blatt – ist eine der vier Farben beim Kartenspiel. Beim Bridge wird auch häufig die französische Bezeichnung Cœur gebraucht; beim Spiel mit deutschem Blatt wird die Farbe Herz häufig Rot genannt … Deutsch Wikipedia
dry rot — 1. Plant Pathol. a. a decay of seasoned timber, resulting in its becoming brittle and crumbling to a dry powder, caused by various fungi. b. any of various diseases of plants in which the rotted tissues are dry. 2. any concealed or unsuspected… … Universalium
TSC Rot-Gold-Casino Nürnberg — Name Tanzsportclub Rot Gold Casino Nürnberg e V. Vereinsfarben Rot, Gold Gegründet 8. Juni 1961[1] Mitglieder ca. 800 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Distance Only Makes the Heart Grow Fonder — EP by Poison the Well Released Summer 1998 November 5, 2002 (reissue) … Wikipedia
Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Puducherry) — Die Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Puducherry … Deutsch Wikipedia
Only A Fool Breaks His Own Heart — is a song that was composed in Brooklyn New York in 1964 by Norman Bergen and Shelly Coburn in response to a request by United Artists Music who was looking for songs for British duo Chad Jeremy. Going for a British sound, Bergen started with a… … Wikipedia
red rot — noun 1. : a common sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) 2. a. : either of two diseases of sugarcane: (1) : a destructive disease caused by a fungus (Physalospora tucumanensis) characterized by red patches within the canes and found also on sorgo (2) … Useful english dictionary