- Battle of Gainesville
Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of Gainesville
partof=American Civil War
date=August 17 1864
place=Gainesville, Florida |result=Confederate victory
combatant1= flagicon|USA|1863United States (Union)
combatant2= flagicon|CSA|1863 CSA (Confederacy)
commander1=Andrew L. Harris
commander2=Jonathan J. Dickinson
strength2=about 290 (only 175 actually engaged)
casualties1=28 killed, 188 captured, 86 missing or unaccounted
casualties2=3 dead, 5 wounded (2 mortally)The Battle of Gainesville was fought on
August 17 ,1864 , as part of the Florida Expedition of theAmerican Civil War .Background
Gainesville, site of a crucial railroad junction and depot in north central
Florida , was the scene of small-scale fighting during the war. Depending on your criteria for an armed encounter between two opposing forces, there may actually have been two Battles of Gainesville. OnFebruary 14 ,1864 , a "skirmish " or "battle" occurred when about 50 Union troops entered the city intending to capture two trains. Company H of the Second FloridaCavalry with 130 men attempted to repulse this raid but were defeated by the Union force which successfully returned toJacksonville after holding the town [http://battleofolustee.org/letters/mass-gnv.htm Order signed by GeneralTruman Seymour in the Official Records and newspaper article detailing Federal victory at February 14, 1864 skirmish in Gainesville.Last accessed2008-07-25 ] .Battle
The more well-known Battle of Gainesville took place on
August 17 ,1864 , in the town square. The fighting was viewed by many of the townspeople from the windows of the Beville house near downtown. 342 Union troops of the 75thOhio Mounted infantry , reinforced by two companies of the 4thMassachusetts Cavalry and supported by a battery of 3cannon s from the 3rdRhode Island Artillery under the command ofColonel Andrew L. Harris occupying the city were attacked from the rear by some 200 soldiers of the Second Florida Cavalry underCaptain Jonathan J. Dickinson (companies H and F), supported by localmilitia , elements of 5th Florida CavalryBattalion and a small artillery battery of two cannons for a total strength of about 290 (though only 175 would be engaged in the actual fighting). The Union column, tired from a long march in the hot summer sun of Florida, were taken by surprise and did not have time to fully deploy when the main attack commenced. After just over 2 hours, the Union troops were routed, driven out of town and suffered significant casualties — 28 dead, 5 wounded, 86 missing or unaccounted and 188 captured, along with 260 horses lost and a 12-poundhowitzer . The Confederates lost 3 killed and 5 wounded (2 mortally). Only 40 Union troopers and Colonel Harris escaped. He reported his column was destroyed by a large Confederate force of 600-800 men and 3 cannons (on this last figure he was only off by one).After hearing his account, the remaining Union forces in the north central Florida area withdrew to the garrisons at Jacksonville and St. Augustine. Gainesville would remain in Confederate control for the duration of the war.
* [http://www.floridareenactorsonline.com/battleofgainesville.htm Detailed account of the battle]
External links
* [http://www.afn.org/~hgi/gnvhistory.html A brief account part of a larger article on the history of Gainesville]
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