- DomainTools.com
DomainTools, LLC provides a directory of domain name Whois ownership records that serves as a comprehensive snapshot of past and present domain name registration and ownership records that span more than a decade of Internet history. In addition to Whois data, DomainTools offers a set of research tools that helps individuals and organizations discover and monitor everything about a domain name. DomainTools is also known for offering advanced semantic name suggestion technology, patented Reverse IP technology, and incorporating millions of screenshots into a combined screenshot history view of how a website looks now and how it used to look like in the past. Fortune 100 companies, small business owners, brand agents, and major domain investors use DomainTools to protect and grow the value of their web sites, their domain names and their intellectual property. DomainTools is in the top 200 Internet sites according to Alexa rankings.
DomainTools is located in Seattle, Washington, United States.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.