Dukes of Amalfi

Dukes of Amalfi

The medieval Republic of Amalfi was ruled, in the tenth and eleventh centuries, by a series of dukes (Latin: duces), sometimes called dogi (singular doge) in analogy to the Republic of Venice, a maritime rival of the time. Before the dukeship was officially created in 957, there was a series of patricians. The Amalfitan duchy was one of the earliest maritime republics renowned throughout the Mediterranean, a trading city rivalling the cities of the north.


Early rulers

Prefects (839–914)

The time of the prefecture is not well known. The first elected ruler of the city was a prefect (839).

  • 839–860 Marinus
  • 860 Sergius (I)
  • 860 Maurus
  • 866–c. 870 Marinus, again
  • 866–879 Pulcharius
  • 879–898 Stephen
  • 898–914 Manso (I)

Patricians (914–957)

The time of the patricians (or judges) is not well known. The numbering of the rulers of Amalfi usually begins again with the judgeship. Mastalus was elected judge upon his succession in 914.


Independent dukes (957–1073)

Mastalus was elected duke on his coming of age, but died the next year. A new dynasty was then inaugurated. It reign uninterrupted for the next 115 years, except during the period 1039–1052, when the duke of Salerno conquered the duchy.

Norman domination

Amalfi was conquered by Robert Guiscard, duke of Apulia. At some point, his son Guy was made duke. Nevertheless, Amalfi rebelled twice, once electing the former prince of Salerno, Gisulf, and once electing a Neapolitan of that ducal family.

A certain Manso was ruling in Amalfi—and minting his own coins there—with the title of vicedux (viceduke) sometime between 1077 and 1096, most probably during the reign of Robert's son Roger Borsa. Manso recognised Norman overlordship and was probably a Norman appointee.

Neapolitan dukes (1388–1673)

The title "Duke of Amalfi" (Duca di Amalfi in Italian) was revived in the Kingdom of Naples in the late 14th century. It passed to the Piccolomini in 1461.

  • 1398–1405 Venceslao Sanseverino, also count of Tricario and Chiaromonte, and Duke of Venosa
  • 1405–1438 Giordano Colonna
  • 1438–1459 Raimondo II del Balzo Orsini, also Prince of Salerno (died 1459)
  • 1461–? Antonio Todeschini Piccolomini
  • ?–1498 Alfonso I Piccolomini, whose wife is the title character in The Duchess of Malfi
  • 1498–? Alfonso II Piccolomini
  • ?–1575 Cesare I Gonzaga
  • 1584–1632 Ferrante II Gonzaga
  • 1632–1656 Ottavio Piccolomini
  • 1656–1673 Enea Silvio Piccolomini

Spanish duke

In the 19th century the title Duque de Amalfi was revived by the Spanish.

  • Antonio de Zayas y Beaumont


  • Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. Rome, 1960–Present.
  • Skinner, Patricia. Family Power in Southern Italy: The Duchy of Gaeta and its Neighbours, 850-1139. Cambridge University Press: 1995.
  • Chalandon, Ferdinand. Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicilie. Paris, 1907.
  • Gay, Jules. L'Italie méridionale et l'empire Byzantin: Livre II. Burt Franklin: New York, 1904.
  • Stasser, Thierry. "Où sont les femmes?" Prosopon: The Journal of Prosopography. 2006.
  • Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Southern Italy — Amalfi.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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