Distance Classroom

Distance Classroom

Distance Classroom is a facility standard for distance learning that focuses on the pedagogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically "on site". Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students may communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media, or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time and through other online ways. Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason including the taking of examinations is considered to be a hybrid or blended course of study.


Distance Classroom dated back to 2004 with the Joint School Information Technology Association proposed to QEF Project vchina schools for distance learning as a standard. 2. Technologies used in delivery Technologies used in distance classroom are synchronous and interactive. Synchronous technology is a mode of online delivery where all participants are "present" at the same time. The education body requires a timetable, telephone, Email and MSN to organize.

3. Basic facilities and criteria l Audio and Video Facilities l Video Camera and Display TV l Microphone & PA System l Information Facilities l Video Conferencing system ( Hardware / software) l Network system & Internet Connection 4. Synchronous technologies • Video conferencing (AVCON) • Application Sharing (Adobe Breeze)

5. Application of Distance Classroom • Inter-city Debate on the Net • Language study • Arts performance • Cultural Exchange program • Real Time live Broadcast (Extra-curriculum Activities)

6. Inter-city activities Distance classroom is being used in over three hundred schools in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and China for various subject distance learning as well as “inter-city Debate on Net”. Courses: Beijing Putonghua Training Centre – Putonghua course QEF Project to establish Distance Learning and Distance Classroom – Inter-city Distance learning course (Putonghua and English) QEF Project vchina – Inter-city Distance learning course (Putonghua course conducted by Shanghai Qibao Middle School)

7. Distance Classroom Setup Distance classroom basic elements require the following: 1. Video Display unit – TV/Plasma Display/Project for the whole class to watch the far end presenter/audience in normal lighting condition 2. Lighting Control – Front Light and Background light for all end participants of the Video conference 3. Audio Control – For Local pickup and Far-end Broadcast 4. Electronic wyteboard for lecturer 5. Learning Platform (i) For Video conference – AVCON (ii) Application Sharing - Adobe Connect Professional Learning Platform is not only part of the Distance Classroom, it can also be used for providing after lesson learning. During learning, lecturer can use both platforms to exchange ideas. Lecturer can summarize lecturer idea and assigned homework to student. See also • Hongkong Inter-City school Real Time Debate on Net (http://www.jsit.net/debate-8/e_main.htm) • Distance Learning Classroom for Teaching & Learning (http://www.jsit.net/qef/) • Project vchina (http://www.vchina.hk/) • Quality Education Fund (http://qef.org.hk/) 8. External: Useful Links on Distance Classroom

• Three basic modes of Distance Learning Classroom (http://www.vchina.hk/log/20041106/dislearn-20041106.htm) • Best audio transmission (http://www.vchina.hk/qa/sound/audio-in.htm) •  vfone Setup (http://www.vchina.hk/log/vsetup.htm) •  Distance Classroom Solution (http://www.vchina.hk/dis-classroom/default1.htm) •  Beijing 101 Middle School Electrical control stage seating (http://www.vchina.hk/dis-classroom/101/index.htm) • Distance Classroom cases (http://www.vchina.hk/dis-classroom/sample.htm)

9. References 1. Hong Kong IT in Education Symposium (2008). Right Technology at the Right Time for the Right Task. 2. QEF Project vchina Annual Report (2005). Shanghai, Hong Kong Information Technology Education special Report. 3. QEF Project vchina Annual Report (2006). Shanghai, Hong Kong Information Technology Education special Report. 4. QEF Projct vchina - Distance Learning & Distance Classroom. Infrastructure and Classroom Facilities 5. QEF Project vchina (Towards to World) – 2007 Annual Report. Bridge us together with the rainbow 6. QEF Project vchina (Towards to World) – 2008 Special Report. Distance Learning 7. Hong Kong Education Bureau Distance Learning Focus Working Group – 2008 Annual Report. Distance Learning & Distance Classroom

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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