- Number One
Number One or number one abbreviated #1, No 1 is used in a variety of meanings:
1 (number) Music
* "#1", an album by
*Konono N°1 , a musical group from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* "No.1 ", an album byBoA
* "#1", a single by rapperNelly
* "Number One (Pist.On album) ", an album released by Pist.On
* "Number 1 (song) ", a song by Goldfrapp
* "Number One (Pharrell song)", a song by Pharrell
* "Number One", aJohn Legend song
* "Number One", a song by Playgroup
* "Number One (Skye Sweetnam song) ", a song by the pop rock singer Skye Sweetnam
* "Number One", a song bythe Rutles
* "Number One", a song byO-Zone
* "The Beatles (No. 1) ", an early Beatles EP
* The primary Number One (Fender Stratocaster) of late blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan, also called "First Wife"
* #1, the pseudonym of Americanmusician Joey Jordison , when performing with Slipknot
* "Number One" was a music magazine published in the UK between 1983 and 1992 (see alsoTop of the Pops (magazine) )
* The top position in the weekly record charts, or a record that has reached that position - seeChart-topper See alsoHit record and .Film, TV and fiction
* Number One a character from
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
* "Number One (1969 film) ", a movie featuring Charlton Heston
* "Number One (1976 movie) ", a movie directed by Dyan Cannon
* "Number One (1985 movie) ", a movie directed byLes Blair (featuringBob Geldof )
* "Number One (1998 movie) ", a movie featuring Heather Burns
*Number One (comics) , a DC Comics character
*Number One (Babylon 5) , a recurring character in seasons 4 and 5 of the TV series Babylon 5
*Number One (Star Trek) is the naval term for the First Officer on board a ship, second-in-command to the captain. It is a female character in Pilot episode ofStar Trek and CommanderWilliam Riker in "Star Trek: The Next Generation".
* "Number One (Simpsons) " in the Simpsons is the head of the Springfield chapter of the Stonecutters
*Number One (My Name Is Earl) is an episode of "My Name Is Earl".
* "Number Ones (TV series) " is a music video program block currently aired on Canadian music video tv station MuchMusic
* The unknown leader ofThe Village (The Prisoner) in the television seriesThe Prisoner is simply called "Number One".
*Number One (Artemis Fowl) is a demon character fromArtemis Fowl .
* Number 1 is the codename forErnst Stavro Blofeld , chief ofSPECTRE inJames Bond fiction.
*Number One is theCylon model also known asBrother Cavil .Misc
Number one (Royal Navy) , colloquial term for the ship's First Officer on a Royal Navy ship
* Number OneIndustrial Estate , nearConsett ,County Durham
*Number One (company) ,Shepard Fairey 's design firm
* "Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist)", a painting byJackson Pollock
* A euphemism forurination (withdefecation being "number 2")
* Oneself, as in the expression "looking after number one"ee also
One (disambiguation)
* The year1
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