Dinocras ferreri

Dinocras ferreri
Dinocras ferreri
Dinocras ferreri, side view
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Plecoptera
Family: Perlidae
Genus: Dinocras
Species: D. ferreri
Binomial name
Dinocras ferreri
(Pictet, 1841)
  • Dinocras domenchi (Navás, 1933)
  • Perla ferreri (Pictet, 1841)

Dinocras ferreri is a species of 'stoneflies' belonging to the Family Perlidae Order Plecoptera, one of the oldest Order of insects (about 220 million of years ago).

Dinocras ferreri, dorsal view

This species is present in France, Italy and in Switzerland, countries where it is restricted to the southern edge of the Alps and small parts of the northern Apennines.

Adults can reach approximately 40 millimetres (1.6 in) of length and can mainly be encountered in small waterways.

The basic coloration of the body is pale brown, including head and legs. The wings are membranous and translucent, with evident brown veins. At the rest they are folded over the body. The head has threadlike antennae and yellow spots on the sides. The abdomen is yellow, with two cerci.

Both sexes are winged, but the adults are bad fliers and never leave the running cold waters where the larvae have developed. The flat larvae usually stay under the rocks just emerging from the waters.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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