Digital imaging technician

Digital imaging technician

A digital imaging technician (DIT) works in collaboration with a cinematographer on work flow, systemization, signal integrity and image manipulation, to achieve the highest image quality and creative goals of cinematography in the digital realm.[1]

A DIT's role is especially prevalent with the widespread use of HD technology, in assisting cinematographers normally accustomed to film stock in achieving their desired look. They may also be in charge of transferring and managing the image data, replacing the traditional film loader position.

The Digital Imaging (or Image) Technician is a relatively new position on a motion picture set. It was created as a response to to transition from the traditional film medium into digital cinema which utilize various formats like HD. Since video reacts much differently than film in many situations, the DIT's job is to work with the cinematographer and help achieve the best results. This includes but not limited to: monitoring exposure, setting up "look up tables" (LUTs), set camera settings, and media management.


University of North Carolina School of the Arts.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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