- Secret handshake
A secret handshake is a series of
hand gesture s that indicate loyalty to aclub ,clique , orsubculture . The purpose of the secret handshake is to identify exclusive group members, and consequently to prevent inclusion of outsiders. Also, the element of secrecy provides the necessity of loyalty to the exclusive group. To reveal a secret handshake would betaboo and would cause the offending individual to be thought of as atraitor .Home slide
The Home slide is a corrupted version of a
gang handshake that is often seen in movies.It begins with a normal hand shake. The pair move their hands into a 90 degree angle to lock thumbs. They then slide their hands away from each other to form a fist. One person taps a closed fist on top of the other's closed fist and this is reciprocated. Finally, they punch their two fists straight on.
Other elaborations exist including the horizontal clapping of each other's hands with and putting ones hand around the back of another and grasping them in a hug like fashion.
The Shotgun is an abstract handshake. It uses the "handshake" medium to act out a scene.
The following steps assume that you are facing your subject. They are to be made in quick succession.
Note: The right and left hands mentioned are from the "owner of the hand's" Point of View)
Note: It is usually easier to perform if their subject does not tense up their arms, you may want to tell them to relax.
– You use your left hand and quickly grab their right elbow.
– Simultaneously, your right hand quickly grips their right hand.
– Holding their hand as you would hold a shotgun, you raise it vertically (holding their forearm horizontal to the ground) and sight down it with your right eye
– Then you exclaim a form of game (e.g. deer, duck, etc), and jerk their arm in a quick pumping motion while shouting "boom."
– Finally, you bring their elbow close to your mouth and blow on it, as if to clear off the smoke after firing a shot
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