Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land

Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land

Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land (German for "German Austria, you wonderful country") was the national anthem of Austria from 1920 to 1929. Although it was used as the national anthem, it did not enjoy any official status.

The text was written by Chancellor Karl Renner in 1920, while the melody was composed by Wilhelm Kienzl.

The Republic of German Austria was formed in 1918 as the successor to the multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire in its predominantly German speaking part. The government and population was much in favour of a unification with Germany, the German nation-state that had been formed in 1871 but had excluded Austria. However, the victors of World War I demanded that Austria remained a separate country. In the Treaty of Versailles, there was a prohibition of unification. Under the provisions of the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919), German Austria had to change its name to simply Austria.

Text of the song

1. Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land, wir lieben dich!
Hoch von der Alm unterm Gletscherdom
Stürzen die Wasser zum Donaustrom:
Tränken im Hochland Hirten und Lämmer,
Treiben am Absturz Mühlen und Hämmer,
Grüßen viel Dörfer, viel Städte und ziehn
Jauchzend zum Ziel, unserm einzigen Wien!
Du herrliches Land, unser Heimatland,
Wir lieben dich, wir schirmen dich.
2. Deutschösterreich, du tüchtiges Volk, wir lieben dich!
Hart ist dein Boden und karg dein Brot,
Stark doch macht dich und klug die Not.
Seelen, die gleich wie Berge beständig,
Sinne, die gleich wie Wasser lebendig,
Herzen so sonnig, mitteilsamer Gunst,
Schaffen sich selber ihr Glück, ihre Kunst.
Du tüchtiges Volk, unser Muttervolk,
Wir lieben dich, wir schirmen dich.
3. Deutschösterreich, du treusinnig Volk, wir lieben dich!
Dienende Treu schuf dir Not und Reu,
Sei uns in Freiheit dir selber treu!
Gibt es ein Schlachtfeld rings in den Reichen,
Wo deiner Söhne Knochen nicht bleichen?
Endlich brachst du die Ketten entzwei,
Diene dir selber, sei dein! Sei frei!
Du treusinnig Volk, unser Duldervolk,
Wir lieben dich, wir schirmen dich.
4. Deutschösterreich, du Bergländerbund, wir lieben dich!
Frei durch die Tat und vereint durch Wahl,
eins durch Geschick und durch Blut zumal.
Einig auf ewig, Ostalpenlande!
Treu unserm Volkstum, treu dem Verbande!
Friede dem Freund, doch dem Feinde, der droht,
Wehrhaften Trotz in Kampf und Not!
Du Bergländerbund, unser Ostalpenbund,
Wir lieben dich, wir schirmen dich.

English Translation

1. German Austria, you wonderful land, we do love you!
High over alp, beneath glacier dome
Waters stream freely to Danube-flow:
They give drink to lambs and shepherds in highland,
At the falls they drive mills and hammers,
Greet many villages, many towns and stretch
Rejoicing to the aim, our unique Vienna!
You wonderful land, our native land,
We do love you, we stand for you.
2. German Austria, your people of skills, we do love you!
Your ground is hard and your bread is scarce,
However need makes you clever and strong.
Soles, that like mountains are stable,
Feelings, that like water are live,
Hearts so radiant, full of benevolence
Create themselves their happiness, their art.
Your people of skills, our native people,
We do love you, we stand for you.

3. German Austria, your people of sense, we do love you! Need and remorse has stood you in good stead ... Be now in freedom true to yourself! Is a battlefield anywhere in the realm, Where bones of your sons haven’t appeared white? Eventually you’ve broken down the chains. Be on your own, be yours! Be free! Your people of sense, our sufferer people, We do love you, we stand for you.

4. German Austria, league of mountains lands, we do love you! Free through the deed and united through choice, One through the fate and especially through blood. Welded for ever, land of East Alps! Faithful to Union and to our people! Peace to the friend, and to the threatening foe, Defensive persistence in battle and need! Your mountainous land, our East Alps land, We do love you, we stand for you.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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