Destination dispatch

Destination dispatch

Destination dispatch is an optimization technique for dispatching elevators to provide passengers with the shortest waiting times and the shortest time to destination. Instead of the classic two-button system, passengers enter the desired destination floor with a keypad or touch screen[1]. The elevator group controller uses a computer algorithm to assign the passenger to an elevator in a bank of elevators.

The algorithms behind the destination dispatch can be very complex and most elevator manufacturers have competing destination algorithms, each with its unique benefits. In general, however, destination dispatching can improve an elevators system's ability to handle more passengers with a given number of elevator.

Reducing the number of elevators required in a given building and improving building traffic flow is the goal of destination dispatching. Larger elevator consulting firms use computer simulations to compare the effectiveness of destination dispatching over traditional two-button systems.

Destination dispatch systems can be configured to work with a proximity card. That eliminates the need for occupants to enter anything on a control panel. It also offers the ability to give individual occupants private elevator rides, without designating a separate elevator. Occupants who have the privilege have it encoded in their card. The elevator recognizes the card and sends them directly to their destination without stopping.

Elevator manufacturers that offer destination dispatch include Otis Elevator, Kone Corporation, ThyssenKrupp, Schindler Group, Fujitec, and Mitsubishi.


  1. ^ Paumgarten, Nick (April 21, 2008). "Up and Then Down: the lives of elevators". New Yorker. Retrieved 19 April 2010. 

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