Des Teufels Mess

Des Teufels Mess
Des Teufels
Active Founded June 20, 2010
Country United States of America
Allegiance Union, Confederate
Branch United States Army
Type Infantry
Role Infantry
Co-Founder Gerry McGowan Jr.
Co-Founder Frank J Ruiz Jr

Des Teufels Mess is a group of Authentic American Civil War Living Historians who's goal is to accurately portray Different units of soldiers who fought throughout the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865.


Creation and Mission

The organization was created in 2010 by Gerry McGowan Jr. & Frank Ruiz Jr. Both men are veterans of the American Civil War Reenacting Community, and have a long standing reputation for Historical Accuracy. Both Gerry and Frank, have been "reenacting" for a combined 30+ years and were tired of the both spectrums of the community itself.

An Early Image of Des Teufels Mess at Old Bethpage Village Restoration in 2010

One Spectrum being that of what has become known as "Mainstream Reenactor" or the other known as "Hardcore Reenactor". Mainstream is exactly what the word describes, a more general group of reenactor not as much into research and historical accuracy as the "Harcore Reenactor". Both had discussed creating their own group of "Progressive" - or "Medium Core" reenactors. So in 2010, the two created "Des Teufels Mess" They derived the name from their main impression of their 14th Regiment (New York State Militia), as it's nickname was "The Red Legged Devils"

Though the main impression of the Des Teufels is the 14th Brooklyn New York state militia, they are no way limited just that. Members are readily able to portray the Armies from both sides of the Mason Dixon line and enjoy doing so. Over the years the group has grown and continues to grow to today. The group itself usually takes part in immersion events, which make the members feel as close to what an American Civil War Soldier lived like.

Uniform Standards

Des Teufels Mess wish to accurately portray the life of the American Civil War soldier. This not only shows true in their drill, but also down to their Uniforms and other accoutraments. All uniform articles must be of museum quality, hand sewn and must have been researched. There must be some form of "evidence" to show that each part of the uniform is correct for the times. This holds true for their rifles, cartridge boxes, cap pouches etc.

Members of Des Teufels

Co-Founders: Gerry McGowan Jr. and Frank J Ruiz Jr. Charter Members: Matthew Bursig, Jesse Henry, Justin McGowan, Andrew Preble, James Preble and Patrick Stultz.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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