Derivation of partition function

Derivation of partition function

Consider a system [1] S embedded into a heat bath B. The total Energy of the system S and B is E. Let pi denote the probability that the system S is in microstate i with Energy Ei. The probability pi will be proportional to the number of microstates in the total closed system whereby the system S is in microstate i with Energy Ei. But, this will be proportional to the number of microstates of the heat bath B with Energy EEi.

p_i &\propto \Omega_B\left(E_B\right) \\
&= \Omega_B \left(E - E_i\right) \\
\Rightarrow k \ln \Omega_B \left( E - E_i \right) & \approx k \ln \Omega_B \left(E\right) - \frac{\partial}{\partial E} \left(k \ln \Omega_B\left(E\right)\right) E_i \\
& \approx k \ln \Omega_B \left(E\right) - \frac{\partial S_B}{\partial E}  E_i \\
& \approx k \ln \Omega_B \left(E\right) - \frac{E_i}{T} \\
\Rightarrow k \ln p_i & \approx k \ln \Omega_B \left(E\right) - \frac{E_i}{T} \\
\Rightarrow  p_i & \propto   e^{\ln \Omega_B \left(E\right) - \frac{E_i}{kT}} \\
\Rightarrow  p_i & \propto   \Omega_B \left(E\right) e^{ - \frac{E_i}{kT}} \\
\Rightarrow  p_i & \propto   e^{- \frac{E_i}{kT}}.

We shall define \beta := \frac{1}{kT} and so we have the result; p_i \propto e^{- \beta E_i }

The partition function|Partition Function is the normalisation constant that allows us to find the probability.

Z & :=  \sum_i  e^{- \beta E_i} 


  1. ^

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