GSAT-2 is an experimental communication satellite built by the Indian Space Research Organisation and launched on one of the first GSLVs. The satellite was positioned at 48 deg east longitude in the geo-stationary orbit.

GSAT-2 carried four C-band transponders, two Ku-bands transponders and a Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) payload operating in S-band forward link and C-band return link. Besides the communication payloads, GSAT-2 carried the following four piggyback experimental payloads:

*Total Radiation Dose Monitor (TRDM) to compare the estimated radiation doses inside the satellite with the directly measured radiation doses using a Radiation Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (RADFET)

*Surface Charge Monitor (SCM) to indicate the state of the charging environment in the vicinity of the spacecraft

*Solar X-ray Spectrometer (SOXS) to study the solar flare emission in 4 keV-10 MeV energy range using state of the art semiconductor devices and Phoswich Scintillation Detector

*Coherent Radio Beacon Experiment (CRABEX) to investigate the spatial structure, dynamic and temporal variations of Ionosphere and several aspects of equatorial electrodynamics

Weighing 1800 kg at launch, GSAT-2 incorporated a 440 newton Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) and sixteen 22 newton Reaction Control Thrusters for raising the satellite's orbit from Geo-stationary Transfer orbit to its final geo- stationary orbit as well as for its altitude control. It carried 840 kg of propellant (monomethyl hydrazine and MON-3).

GSAT-2 measures 9.55 m in length in its final in-orbit configuration. It is 3-axis body stabilised using Sun and Earth sensors, momentum and reaction wheels, magnetic torquers and bi-propellant thrusters. Its solar array generates 1380 W power, backed up by two 24 A·h Ni-Cd batteries.

After its launch into Geo-synchronous transfer orbit by GSLV-D2, GSAT-2 it was taken to its final geo-stationary orbit by firing the liquid apogee motor in phases. After it reached the geo-stationary orbit, its antenna and solar Panels were deployed and the satellite was finally placed in its allocated slot of 48° east longitude.

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