Degen (SS)

Degen (SS)
Three views of a Degen: top, the SS sign on the pommel; middle, the oak leaves and the runic design of the handle and upper scabbard; bottom, the art deco tip of the scabbard.

Degen is the German term for a straight saber or sword, especially of the dress sword worn with military uniform. In the context of Nazi Germany, the Degen was a type of straight saber used by the SS from 1936 until 1945.

The Degen was first introduced in 1936 and was allegedly designed by Professor Karl Diebitsch, an SS-Obersturmbannführer, who was also Heinrich Himmler’s personal referent on all art and design in the SS. The degen was originally manufactured by Eichorn.[1] Later degens were manufactured by Paul Müller[disambiguation needed ] at Dachau and by Puma of Solingen[2]



December 1935 parade for Adolf Hitler at the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler Barracks, Sepp Dietrich is to the right of Hitler

Officer pattern

It had a long thin straight blade with different blade lengths produced to accommodate for the height of the wearer. The Degen featured a "D" shaped knuckle-bow (crossguard) as the handle which also featured a black ribbed wooden grip. The grip was bound with silver wire and featured an inset disk featuring the SS double lightning-bolt rune.[3]

The scabbard was painted in a black enamel and had a decorative silvered top (locket) and bottom (chape) mounts.


The Degen was officially awarded to selected officers of the SS-Verfügungstruppe and SS-Totenkopfverbände in recognition of special merit. It was also awarded to officers who graduated from the SS-Junkerschulen at Bad Tolz and Brunswick.[4]

NCO pattern

The NCO version was similar to the officer version but the scabbard had a plain unadorned chape. The NCO version's handle also lacked the silver wire wrapping and the SS runes were moved from the handle to the hilt#Pommel cap.[5]


SS Officers

The Degen was used by Waffen SS officers as a dress weapon and for ceremonial purposes such as the swearing in of new SS recruits. It was worn with an aluminium braid sword knot which was embellished with the SS runes in black on the stern.[6]


SS NCOs, especially senior NCOs could use the degen as a full dress weapon.


  1. ^ WaffenSS Handbook 1933-1945 by Gordon Williamson
  2. ^
  3. ^ WaffenSS Handbook 1933-1945 by Gordon Williamson
  4. ^ WaffenSS Handbook 1933-1945 by Gordon Williamson
  5. ^ WaffenSS Handbook 1933-1945 by Gordon Williamson
  6. ^ WaffenSS Handbook 1933-1945 by Gordon Williamson

Further reading

  • Thomas Wittman Exploring the Dress Daggers and Swords of the German SS
  • Thomas Johnson
    • Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich (Volumes I to VIII)
    • Wearing the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich, Volume I to III

See also

External links

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  • Degen — may refer to: bladed weaponn A type of historical bladed weapon in German speaking Europe The historical German term for a medieval dagger Swiss degen, a type of short sword of the late medieval and Renaissance period the German term for a dress… …   Wikipedia

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  • Degen [1] — Degen. l) gerades Seitengewehr, von den Offizieren der meisten, bes. der deutschen Heere getragen, bei den Spaniern u. Italienern 3–4 Fuß lang, dreischneidig u. spitzig (Rauf D.), auch bei den Deutschen, doch meist nur als Schläger auf einigen… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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