List of ancient tribes in Illyria — This is a list of ancient tribes in the ancient territory of Illyria (Ancient Greek: Ἰλλυρία). The name Illyrians seems to be the name of one Illyrian tribe, which was the first to come in contact with the ancient Greeks, causing the name… … Wikipedia
JUDEX — I. JUDEX apud mediae aetatis Scriptores vatie sumitur. Sic enim vocantur Consules, apud Hier. in Chron. Magnates, Comites, Proceres, vel Senatores, apud Iornand. de Regnor. success. Isid. Pacens. in Chron. Aerâ 754. Anastas. passim. Alios. Legis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ADMISSIONALIS — Ministri, Lampridio in Alex. c. 4. memorati, fuêre, qui Suetonio Vespas. c. 14. ex officio Admissionis dicebantur; Trepidum eum interdicta aulâ sub Neronc, quaerentemque quidnam ageret, aut quo abiret, quidam ex officio aedmissionis simul… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
List of Illyrian tribes — Illyrian tribes or possibly or partly Illyrian tribes or tribes inhabiting lands known as Illyria. Tribes Illyrian Abri Abri were an Illyrian tribe. [Wilkes, J. J. The Illyrians, 1992,ISBN 0631198075.,page 98: ... who may have belonged to the… … Wikipedia
ARCA Mortualis — indigitatur Petronio Iubet mariti sui corpus tolli ex arca atque illi, quae vacabat, cruci affigi: in Glossis σορος, i. e. Sarcophagus, aliter Graecis ληνὸς, item πυελος, quae voces synonymae sunt. Fiebant illae primum ex lapide Sarcophago, de… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
DECURIA — in vet. Inscr. Romae, honori Herculis Somnialis factâ: V. F. CULTORES. HERCULIS. SOMNIALIS. DECURIA. I. DIS. MANIBUS. SIBI. ET. POTERISOVE. SVIS. II. QUI. INFRA. SCRIPTI. SUNT. Q. CECILIUS. Q. GAL. LUCCEIANUS. Q. CECILIUS. A. MUNDAV. etc, vide… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
DECDEC — decreto decurionum, decurialis decuriae, decurio decuriae … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest — Part of the Roman Germanic wars Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius, 1st … Wikipedia
Curia — For other uses, see Curia (disambiguation). A curia in early Roman times was a subdivision of the people, i.e. more or less a tribe, and with a metonymy it came to mean also the meeting place where the tribe discussed its affairs. Etymologically… … Wikipedia
Nepenthes — For the drug of forgetfulness mentioned in Greek mythology, see Nepenthe. Nepenthes Upper pitcher of Nepenthes edwardsiana Scient … Wikipedia