Decimus Carfulenus

Decimus Carfulenus

Decimus Carfulenus, called Carsuleius by Appianus, was a Roman statesman from the time of the Civil War to the Battle of Mutina, in which he perished.


Carfulenus served under Caesar in the Alexandrine War, B.C. 47. Hirtius describes him as a man of great military skill.[1]

At the time of Caesar's murder in 44 B.C., Carfulenus was tribune of the plebs. He was a supporter of the aristocratic party, and an opponent of Marcus Antonius, the general of Caesar. When Antonius summoned the senate to the Capitol on November 28, in order to have Caesar's nephew, Octavianus, declared an enemy of the state, Carfulenus and his colleagues, Tiberius Canutius and Lucius Cassius Longinus, were excluded from the Capitol, so that they could not interpose their veto against the senate's decree.[2]

In the following year, Carfulenus took an active part in the war against Antonius. He fell in the Battle of Mutina, in which Antonius was defeated.[3][4]

See also

  • Carfulena (gens)


  1. ^ Aulus Hirtius, De Bello Alexandrino, 31.
  2. ^ Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philippicae, iii. 9.
  3. ^ Appianus, Bellum Civile, iii. 66 ff.
  4. ^ Marcus Tullius Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares, x. 33, xv. 4.

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).

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