Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans

Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans
Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans
Directed by Howard R. Cohen
Produced by Howard R. Cohen
Roger Corman
Steven Rabiner
Written by Howard R. Cohen
Starring Rick Hill
Maria Ford
Brett Baxter Clark
Distributed by Concorde Pictures
Release date(s) 1991
Running time 85 min.
Language English

Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans, is a 1991 sword and sorcery fantasy film. It is the fourth and final film in the Deathstalker tetralogy.



It began as a contest of strength - a brazen challenge to lure competitors from far away into the main arena of a Queen's castle. Among the warriors stands the champion, Deathstalker, who handily defeats all opponents. Mysteriously, combatants disappear from the castle one by one. Now, in a blood chilling Match of Titans, Deathstalker must defend his fellow warriors, his life and his newfound love against an invincible army of Stone Warriors and the wicked Queen who rules them as master.


The film was released on VHS in the US by New Horizons Home Video in the early 1990s.[1] As of 2011, the film has still not officially been released on DVD.


External links

Deathstalker Series
Deathstalker | Deathstalker II | Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell | Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans

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