Screen of death

Screen of death
A Blue Screen of Death from a Windows 98/Windows 98SE/Windows ME operating system, indicating the occurrence of a serious error.

In many computer operating systems a special type of error message will display onscreen when the system has experienced a fatal error. Computer users have dubbed these messages screens of death as they typically result in unsaved work being lost and often indicate serious problems with the system's hardware or software. Screens of death are usually the result of a kernel panic, although the terms are frequently used interchangeably. Most screens of death are displayed on an even background color with a message advising the user to restart the computer.


Notable screens of death

A Linux Kernel Panic, forced by an attempt to kill init.
  • The Blue Screen of Death (also called BSOD, Stop error, or bluescreen) is a common name for a screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows operating system when a system error occurs. At times a Red Screen of Death (RSoD) may appear, as seen on the Windows 2008 server and a few beta builds of Windows, such as Memphis or Longhorn. It defines very critical hardware errors or boot errors.
  • A Black Screen of Death is usually one of four things: a failure mode of Microsoft Windows 3.x, the screen displayed by the OS/2 operating system in the event of either a system error from which it cannot recover or a "hard" error in a program running in "full screen" mode (the former being a serious system failure but the latter being a less serious application failure), the Nintendo Wii's non-recoverable brick screen, or the Linux Black Screen of Death. Later versions of the Xbox 360s E74 error are also considered a Black Screen of Death.
  • A Red Screen of Death appears in some game consoles and in early beta versions of Windows Vista. It also appears in recent versions of Lotus Notes, but does not appear full-screen. Such screens are bright red boxes with black borders.
  • The Purple Screen of Death is used by VMware ESX Server, a server virtualization product by VMware, Inc. It is displayed in the event of a fatal kernel error. The screen provides error codes that can be used for debugging purposes. It is also found on the DS and DS Lite systems when removing the GBA cartridge from the GBA slot while PictoChat is running. This bug was fixed on the DSi by the absence of a GBA slot and the fact that a console restart is no longer required when switching cartridges.
  • A kernel panic is used primarily by Unix and Unix-like operating systems: the Unix equivalent of Microsoft's Blue Screen of Death. It is used to describe a fatal error from which the operating system cannot recover.
  • A Sad Mac is an iconic symbol used by older-generation Apple Macintosh computers, starting with the original Macintosh 128K, to indicate a severe hardware or software problem that prevented startup from occurring successfully. A similar symbol exists for the iPod.
  • The Bomb icon is a symbol that was displayed when a "classic" Macintosh operating system (pre-Mac OS X) program had an application crash.
  • The Row of Bombs screen is used on TOS-based systems to indicate a critical system error.
  • Guru Meditation is the name of the error that occurred on early versions of the Amiga home computers when they crashed.

Other screens of death

The following refers to screens of death that are not based upon computer operating systems and appear instead in other media.

  • A White Screen of Death appears on several different operating systems[citation needed] and BIOSes, including Apple iPhones and iPods.[1]
  • A Yellow Screen of Death occurs when an ASP.NET web application encounters a problem and crashes.[2] It is also used to refer to an error in the parsing of an XML document in a web browser.[3]

See also


  1. ^ "The Apple iPod's White Screen of Death". 2006-09-12.,2817,2015196,00.asp. Retrieved 2011-05-23. 
  2. ^ Busoli, Simone (November 15, 2007). "ELMAH - Error Logging Modules And Handlers". [self-published source?]
  3. ^ Hunt, Lachlan (December 4, 2007). "A Preview of HTML 5". [self-published source?]

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Blue Screen of Death — as seen in Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 The Blue Screen of Death (also known as BSoD, Blue Screen, or bluescreen), known officially as a Stop Error …   Wikipedia

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