

McCunn is a surname, originating in Scotland but now widespread in many countries across the world.

Origins of the Name

The surname is probably a variant of 'McCune', the Anglicised form of 'MacEoghain'. The personal name 'Eoghain' is a Gaelic form of the Latin 'Eugenius', meaning 'noble', borne by a third century bishop and martyr. Another theory suggests McCunn as a variant of 'McKeown', which comes from the Celtic 'MacEoin' ('Eoin' being the Irish form of John).

Family history

The first recorded bearer of the name was Gilcrist McKwnne, circa 1370, in the Calendar of the Laing Charters during the reign of King David II of Scotland. The surname was introduced to Ulster by Scottish settlers during the plantation of the province and later many McCunns emigrated during the Irish Potato Famine. Since then, the McCunn family has spread throughout the world particularly to North America.

Notable McCunns

  • Hamish MacCunn, Scottish composer of The Land of the Mountain and the Flood
  • Ruthanne Lum McCunn, Eurasian author of Thousand Pieces of Gold
  • John McCunn, corrupt New York judge and member of the infamous Tweed Ring
  • Col. John McCunn of the 37th Infantry Regiment (Irish Rifles)
  • Joseph McCunn, New South Wales police officer killed in the line of duty
  • Kim Ian McCunn, British Army Officer shot by the IRA
  • William McCunn, Washington police officer who rescued four members of a family from the Wenatachee River
  • Tim McCunn, Australian TV actor
  • Dickson McCunn, fictitious character in John Buchan's 'Huntingtower' and 'The Aventures of Dickson McCunn'
  • Carl McCunn, Wildlife photographer
  • Thomas McCunn, the longest serving lifeboat at Longhope with over 300 lives saved
  • Peter McCunn, CBE, Group Managing Director of Cable and Wireless, 1970s/80s

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