Dardania (Troas)

Dardania (Troas)

Dardania (Greek: Δαρδανία) in Greek mythology is the name of a city[1] founded on Mount Ida by Dardanus from which also the region and the people took their name. It lay on the Hellespont, and is the source of the strait's modern name, the Dardanelles.


From Dardanus' grandson Tros the people gained the additional name of Trojans and the region gained the additional name Troad. Tros' son Ilus subsequently founded a further city called Ilion (in Latin Ilium) down on the plain, the city now more commonly called Troy, and the kingdom was split between Ilium and Dardania.

Dardania has also been defined as "a district of the Troad, lying along the Hellespont, southwest of Abydos, and adjacent to the territory of Ilium. Its people (Dardani) appear in the Trojan War under Aeneas, in close alliance with the Trojans, with whose name their own is often interchanged, especially by the Roman poets."[2]

See also


  1. ^ Lemprière's Classical dictionary
  2. ^ Harry Thurston Peck, Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquity, 1898.

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