Dania Virgen García

Dania Virgen García

Dania Virgen García is independent journalist in Cuba. She was borned in capital city Havana. From year 1988 she is active in dissent and she cooperates with Human Rights Defence movement. In the begginnig of her journalist activity she wrote for local self-published newspapers, later in 2009 she established her blog. [1] Her articles are regularly published also by cuban independent weekly newspaper Primavera [2] and internet news server Cubanet.org, [3] which informs about political and social situation in Cuba and whose redaction resides in USA. Dania is one of women participating in so called Ladies in White´s marches, which are held with aim to set free their relatives imprisoned from political reasons. In april 2010 she was put in detention because of her oppposite activities and during two days was sentenced to twenty months in prison. Later she was conditionally released. [4]


  1. ^ Dania´s blog
  2. ^ Primavera
  3. ^ Cubanet
  4. ^ Cuban court quashes dissident Garcia's jail sentence, BBC

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