DSDR Data Sharing for Demographic Research

DSDR Data Sharing for Demographic Research

DSDR[1] (Data Sharing for Demographic Research)[2] is a project of ICPSR in collaboration with the Carolina Population Center (CPC)[3] at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Minnesota Population Center (MPC)[4] at the University of Minnesota, the Population Studies Center (PSC)[5] at the University of Michigan, the Hopkins Population Center (HPC)[6] at Johns Hopkins University, and the Population Research Center[7] at the RAND Corporation. The DSDR project is supported by the Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

The first five years of the DSDR project established the basis for a shared data infrastructure to support demographers housed in NICHD-funded population centers and those researchers whose data have particular relevance to demographic research. DSDR provides data archiving, preservation and dissemination as well as other data infrastructure services. DSDR continues to introduce new technologies, such as the online Restricted Contracting System (RCS) and data architecture to help re-engineer the ways in which we provide these services. DSDR's goal continues to work toward a unified legal, technical, and substantive framework in which to share research data in the population sciences.


Mission Statement

The DSDR mission is supported by several key aims:[8]

  • Public-Use Data Sharing
Provide investigators with tools that will help them to disseminate public access versions of their data, including consultation about dissemination strategies, assistance with disclosure risk analysis, and the development of user-friendly documentation, metadata, and user tools. DSDR aims to create a searchable index of key demographic and population research.
  • Restricted-access Data Sharing
Provide investigators with tools and strategies for the dissemination of restricted-access (confidential) data. Consult researchers about categories of data that require restriction, model restricted-access contracts, standards for the establishment of secure data downloads, and enclave facilities in North Carolina, Michigan, and Minnesota at which restricted-use data can be made available. Provide management of restricted-access data dissemination for investigators who wish to turn the responsibility over to DSDR, or whose project funding has ended.
  • User Support, Outreach, and Specialized Training
Assist investigators in ensuring that potential users can locate their data, get support in all the stages of acquisition and use, and receive appropriate training in data use, especially for complex datasets. Consult and collaborate with data producers to prepare data for archiving, conduct data confidentiality and disclosure reviews, and provide data producers with models to guide them through the data preparation process.
  • Archiving
Provide long-term secure archiving of public-use and restricted-use data, in order to ensure that these resources are permanently preserved for future use.
Improve the science of data sharing and archiving, by investing in improvements to the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and in the design of software to enhance Web-based dissemination, and by selectively investigating questions of study design and dissemination related to confidentiality, security, and disclosure risk.

List of Studies in the DSDR Archive


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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