Frederik "DJ OGB" Bund, born 18 March 1975 is a German DJ, VJ, radio disc jockey, artist, songwriter and producer from Berlin.


Early Life

DJ OGB grew up in south Berlin (Marienfelde) with two older siblings (brother Michael Bund - jazz musician and estate agent, and sister Martina Bund - author), went to KIEPERT-GRUNDSCHULE, LUISE-HENRIETTE-GYMNASIUM and DAG-HAMMARSKÖLD-REALSCHULE and finished school at 16 (10th grade).[1]

After the apprenticeship at computer giant IBM, DJ OGB went into the German army for his compulsory one year national service. After this he again worked for IBM for further 3 years. He then decided to start-up his own music production company named FAT BEATS MUSIC in March 2000 becoming an independent music composer and producer.

Music was always part of DJ OGB´s life, especially in his childhood.
His parents Maria-Elisabeth (housewife)and Stephan Bund (Manager at Lufthansa and painter) always supported his interest in music by having various musical instruments in the home.

DJ OGB began playing the drums at primary school at the age of 10 and carried on for further 10 years, firstly in a school band and then in his own band.

But also making beats was DJ OGB´s passion when the first computers came out. He produced his first beats on an AMIGA 500 and started writing lyrics and rapping at the age of 15.

Career as DJ

DJ OGB´s career as a Disc Jockey started in 1996 at the age of 21 with pitchable CD players. He found out very soon that there was only one way to be a real DJ and that was with turntables.

After getting the necessary equipment he began connecting with the German DJ scene and record stores, buying vinyls weekly and training very hard every day. After his first small gigs in cafes he started his own first party event in a skating hall in south Berlin (Lichtenrade). The event attracted more than 2000 people, which was a stunning success for a newcomer DJ.

After many years of improving his DJ skills and spending thousands of DM (now EURO) on new records, the new digital way of playing music began to become more usual in clubs. SERATO

DJ OGB is one of the few disc jockeys worldwide playing with music videos, meaning that he is using turntables like the old days, but controlling the music videos (mp4) by laptop, so the people in the clubs hear the sound and see the video lipsync on the screens.

DJ OGB became a member of the german radiostation 93,6 JAM FM in 2009. After having his daily primetime show (mo to fri 16 to 19h) for one year as a DJ/moderator, JAM FM decided to give him the perfect weekend DJ show. PARTYTIME on Friday night 22-23h. This show is still the most popular on the radio with million of listeners in Europe.

Career as Producer

DJ OGB and his long time friend JAY KHAN (artist, songwriter, producer) founded NEXXUS-MUSIC in 2006, a very successful music production company, based in Berlin/Germany with 3 hi-end Studios.

They were the perfect match to become a powerful hit factory. After various hit productions for artists such as US5, OVERGROUND, VIBEKINGZ, AM2PM, MASSARI, DJ TOMEKK and SAPHIR they are NOW working on JAY KHAN´s solo career and DJ OGB´s first album.


PARTY ANTHEM (ft. DJ CAYZEE & MIGHTY) DEZ 2008 - iMusician
LICK IT (ft. GEMENI & JOE B) JUL 2011 - iMusician
BEI MIR BIS DU SCHEEN (ft. ILHAMA) NOV 2011 - Twentyfour Seven Music


2 SCHNEIDIG - Pray > production
AM2PM - Dance with me > co-production
AM2PM - Keepin it tight > co-production & composition
CHAT A NUGA - Clap! Clap! > production & video direction
CHAT A NUGA - Dance a little > production & composition
CHAT A NUGA - Players Delight > production & composition
CHAT A NUGA - Sube la musica > production & composition
COOLIO - Ghetto Squaredance > remix production
DJ BLACKSKIN - Let the music play > single remix
DJ BLACKSKIN - Mr. Deejay > co-production & composition
DJ BLACKSKIN - Rock my body > single remix
DJ BLACKSKIN - Theme Song > co-production
DJ OGB ft. Francisco & Gemeni - Hands up > production & composition
DJ OGB ft. Gemeni & Joe B - Lick it > production, composition & video direction
DJ OGB & DJ CayZee ft. Mighty - Party Anthem > production
DJ SIZE - Aint nobody > vocal recording & video direction
DJ SIZE - Time of my life > co-production
DJ SIZE - Show me love > co-production
DJ SIZE - Sunglasses > vocal recording & remix production
DJ TOMEKK - Beat of life > remix production
DJ TOMEKK - Dankbar > co-production & composition
DJ TOMEKK - Kimnotyze > remix production
HORST SCHLÄMMER - Schätzelein > vocal recording
ILHAMA ft. DJ OGB - Bei mit bist du scheen > co-production
JAY KHAN - Nackt > co-production & songwriting
JAY KHAN - Nackt (Nexxus Remix)> remix production
JAY KHAN - Schrei > co-production & songwriting
KANYA - Kiss me Berlin > production,composition & video direction
M4 - Sick and tired > remix production
MASSARI - Real love > remix production
RICKY - She´s royalty > remix production
SAPHIR - Federleicht > co-production & composition
SAPHIR - Warum > co-production & composition
SOCCX - Get a taste > production & composition
SOCCX - Hold on > production & composition
SOCCX - Last warning > production & composition
US5 - Anytime > co-production & composition
US5 - Around the world > co-production
US5 - Bad girl > co-production & composition
US5 - Boom> remix production
US5 - Burning up the dancefloor > co-production & composition
US5 - Cruisin> co-production
US5 - Endless feeling> co-production
US5 - Friday> co-production
US5 - I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man > co-production
US5 - I want you back > co-production & composition
US5 - If you leave > co-production & composition
US5 - In the club (OGB Rmx) > remix production
US5 - Keep movin > co-production & composition
US5 - Last unicorn > co-production
US5 - Make it last for life > co-production
US5 - Rhythm of life (Nexxus RMX) > remix production
US5 - Rising up > co-production
US5 - Shook > co-production & composition
US5 - The boys are back (High School Musical 3) > co-production
VIBEKINGZ - Set it off> co-production & composition
VIBEKINGZ - This letter > co-production & composition


  1. ^ "DJ OGB Biography". DJ OGB offiial site. Retrieved 11/20/2011.

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