

The DDP-24 was a 24-bit computer designed and built by the Computer Control Company, aka 3C or CCC located in Framingham, Massachusetts. CCC consequently became part of Honeywell in 1967.[1] The DDP-24 was completely transistorized and has a sign magnitude code to represent positive or negative numbers. The processor used binary logic. The DDP-24 used a single address command format and single operation with index and indirect addressing flags. The DDP-24 used magnetic core memory to store data and program instructions. The DDP-24 found use in Space and flight simulators of the mid-1960s and other real-time scientific data processing applications. Of notability, Max Mathews, considered by many to be the founding father of computer music, used among others, a DDP-224 and a DDP-24 computer to develop his GROOVE music system, as related by Professor Barry Vercoe in a[2]1999 MIT Media Lab interview. When asked to describe the first MIT experimental music studio, Prof. Vercoe replied, "We began that work when I first arrived in 1971. The first studio we had was in the basement of Building 26, where we had a computer given to MIT by Max Mathews-the Honeywell DDP-24. Max initially developed his GROOVE system on this machine and was kind enough to give it to MIT when I joined the faculty." The 3C DDP-24 used modules or cards called S-Pac’s. These S-Pac cards could be Flip-Flops, NAND gates, Bit Registers etc. and were housed in a[3]DDP-24 S-Bloc card rack.


  1. ^ Computer Control Company DDP-24 Instruction Manual
  2. ^ 1999 MIT Media Lab interview with Professor Barry Vercoe
  3. ^ www.P3OrionTopSecret.com

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