- Székelys of Bukovina
The Székelys of Bukovina are a minor Hungarian
ethnic group with a special history. Today they live inTolna and Baranya counties of Hungary, in Hunedoara/Hunyad county ofTransylvania and in theSerbia n province ofVojvodina .History
In the second half of the 18th century some
Székely groups emigrated from Transylvania to the Province ofBukovina , where they established new villages and kept their unique culture and folk traditions until the 20th century. The cause of the emigration was the organisation of theSzékely Frontier Zone by theHabsburg Empire that endangered the ancient privileges and rights of the Székelys. The Székelys protested against the forcedconscription s but their gathering in Madéfalva (nowSiculeni ) was dispersed by the Austrian GeneralSiskovics in7 January 1764 . In the so-called Massacre of Madéfalva orSiculicidium more than 400 Székelys were killed. After that approximately 1000 Székelys emigrated to the neighbouring Bukovina which was then part ofMoldavia , a suzerain of theOttoman Empire .After northern Bukovina was occupied by Austria in 1774 a new wave of migration began. In 1776 100 Székely families settled down in the sparsely populated territory. In 1784 and 1786 more than 200 families arrived with the help of EmperorJoseph II of Austria and CountAndrás Hadik , theGovernor of Transylvania . The villages of the Székelys of Bukovina were: Istensegíts ("God help us!", nowŢibeni ), Fogadjisten ("Accept God's will!", nowIacobeşti ), Józseffalva (nowVornicenii Mari ), Hadikfalva (nowDorneşti ) and Andrásfalva (Măneuţi ).The number of the Székelys of Bukovina tripled in the 19th century and in 1880 reached 9,887 and until the end of the 1930s 16,000. Because they have only small plots, the standards of living became worse, and many Székelys temporary or finally left their home. The government of Hungary settled down 4,000 impoverished Székelys in 1883 next to the
Lower Danube in the new villages of Hertelendyfalva, Sándoregyháza andSzékelykeve . This part of theBanat was included inYugoslavia in 1918. Other Székely families emigrated toCanada ,Brazil or to the towns of southern Transylvania.After 1918 Bukovina became part of
Romania , and the Székelys before long felt themselves an oppressed minority without anyHungarian language education. Most of them waited help and solution for the financial problems from the "mother country". After Hungary in 1941 occupied the former Yugoslavian territory ofBácska (Vojvodina ) a forcedMagyarization began there. The re-settlement of the Székelys of Bukovina was part of this policy. The whole community of 13,200 people left Romania, and according to atreaty between the Hungarian and the Romanian states they lost their Romanian citizenship and their possessions. In exchange they received the confiscated homes and lands of the Serbs in southern Bácska.On
8 October 1944 Hungary evacuated the territory and the Székelys fled toTransdanubia . Again, they lost all of their property and became homeless emigrants. In 1945-46 the Székelys were resettled again, mostly in the former German villages ofTolna county . Although there were tensions between them and the remaining German population, eventually they formed strong and flourishing communities. The Székelys of Tolna today are proud of their history and folk customs.Bibliography
* Andrásfalvy Bertalan: A bukovinai székelyek kultúrájáról. In Népi kultúra népi társadalom. A MTA Néprajzi Kutató Csoportjának évkönyve VII, főszerk. Ortutay Gyula. 7-23. o. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973.
* Sebestyén Ádám: A bukovinai andrásfalvi székelyek élete és története Madéfalvától napjainkig. Szekszárd: Tolna Megyei Tanács VB. Művelődésügyi Osztálya, 1972
* Sebestyén Ádám: A bukovinai székelység tegnap és ma. Szekszárd: Tolna Megyei Könyvtár, 1989.
See a "complex bibliography" in Hungarian on the discussion page/Reference
ee also
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