ROBUSTA (Radiation on Bipolar Test for University Satellite Application) is a nano-satellite scientific experiment developed by University of Montpellier II as part of a National Center for Space Studies (CNES) initiative to develop ideas for student projects in the field of orbital systems.

The satellite is defined Cubesat[1], the name given to a series of nano-satellites developed as part of student projects. The ROBUSTA mission is to check the deterioration of electronic components, based on bipolar transistors, when exposed to in-flight space radiation. The results of the experiment will be used to validate a test method proposed in the laboratory.

Implementation of the project

The duration of the ROBUSTA project is 6 years, beginning in 2006. The satellite was launched in 2009, and the end-of-life is expected to be in 2012.

The staff

ROBUSTA is a federative project, as it allows CNES and several teams from the University of Montpellier II to work together. These teams are spread over several sites:

  • The mechanical design, is located at the IUT GMP of Nîmes;
  • Energy management is in the IUT GEII of Nîmes;
  • The ground segment and communication cards are supported by the IUP PGII Montpellier.
  • The controller card is studied by Polytech Montpellier and IUT GEII Montpellier
  • The card experience[clarification needed] is managed by the department of Montpellier II with the whole EEA


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