Crosstalk: The Best of Moby Grape

Crosstalk: The Best of Moby Grape
Crosstalk: The Best of Moby Grape
Greatest hits album
Released 2004
Label Sony International

Crosstalk: The Best of Moby Grape is a 2004 compilation album by Moby Grape, released by Sony International. It was released at a time when the legal status of ownership of Moby Grape recordings was uncertain.

Track listing

  1. "Hey Grandma" (Miller, Stevenson) – 2:45
  2. "Fall on You" (Lewis) – 1:55
  3. "8.05" (Miller, Stevenson) – 2:21
  4. "Come in the Morning" (Mosley) – 2:17
  5. "Omaha" (Spence) – 2:45
  6. "Rounder" [instrumental] (Spence) – 2:03
  7. "Changes" (Miller, Stevenson) – 3:24
  8. "Murder in My Heart for the Judge" (Miller, Stevenson) – 2:59
  9. "Bitter Wind" (Mosley) – 3:07
  10. "Can't Be So Bad" Miller, Stevenson – 3:26
  11. "He" (Lewis) – 3:37
  12. "Motorcycle Irene" (Spence) – 2:26
  13. "Ooh Mama Ooh" (Miller, Stevenson) – 2:28
  14. "Ain't That a Shame" (Lewis, Miller, Stephenson) – 2:30
  15. "Captain Nemo" (Miller, Stevenson) – 1:46
  16. "What's to Choose" (Lewis) – 1:57
  17. "Going Nowhere" (Miller, Stevenson) – 2:04
  18. "I Am Not Willing" (Lewis) – 3:00
  19. "It's a Beautiful Day Today" (Mosley) – 3:07
  20. "Right Before My Eyes" (Lewis) – 2:05
  21. "Changes, Circles, Spinning" [Album Version] (Lewis) – 2:27
  22. "Truly Fine Citizen" (Dell'Ara) – 1:49
  23. "Looper" [Album Version] (Lewis) – 3:02
  24. "Hoochie" (Mosley) – 4:24


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