Albin Csáky

Albin Csáky
Albin Csáky
Minister of Religion and Education of Hungary
In office
22 September 1888 – 10 June 1894
Preceded by Gábor Baross
Succeeded by Loránd Eötvös
Personal details
Born 19 April 1841(1841-04-19)
Coat of arms of Krompachy.png Korompa, Kingdom of Hungary
Died 15 December 1912(1912-12-15) (aged 71)
Coat of arms of Budapest.png Budapest, Austria-Hungary
Political party Liberal Party, Party of National Work
Profession politician

Count Albin Csáky de Körösszeg et Adorján (19 April 1841 – 15 December 1912) was a Hungarian politician, who served as Minister of Religion and Education between 1888 and 1894. He finished his secondary school studies in Lőcse, then he learnt in Kassa. He became representative of the Diet of Hungary in 1862. 1900–1906 and 1910–1912 he served as Speaker of the House of Magnates.

The more important circumstance of his ministerial activity was first, bringing the so-called baptismal order. May have counted on a fine in the sense of the order it did not baptize the parent's, who was born from a mixed marriage, child in the sense of the Law of 1868 LIII away.


Albin Csáky's parents were Ágost Csáky (1803–1883) and Iphigenia Prónay. His wife was Countess Anna Bolza, daughter of István Bolza and Lujza Vay. They married in Szarvas. They had six children:

  • István Csáky (1867–1892): studied law, he served as representative in Szarvas. He committed suicide because of his illness taken for one which cannot be healed.
  • Mária Albina Csáky (1868–1912): wife of Andor Harkányi from 1910.
  • László Csáky (1869–1909): ispan of Szepes County and Ugocsa County, his wife was Countess Augusta von Degenfeld-Schönburg.
  • Eleonóra Csáky (1870–1945): wife of László Hertelendy from 1893.
  • Károly Csáky (1873–1945): served as Minister of Defence of Hungary, married three times: Valéria Földváry, Erzsébet Ordódy, Anna Schiro.
  • Ilona Csáky (1878–1934): wife of Baron Otto Friedrich Benz von Albkron from 1904.
  • Imre Csáky (1882–1961): served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, his wife was Countess Mária Annunziáta Sztáray. He died in the Canary Islands.


Political offices
Preceded by
Gábor Baross
Minister of Religion and Education
Succeeded by
Loránd Eötvös

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