

In South Africa Potjiekos (IPA-en|pɔɪ/kiː/kɔs), directly translated "pot food", is a stew prepared outdoors in a traditional round, cast iron, three-legged pot (the "potjie") which is found in the homes and villages of people throughout southern Africa. The pot is efficiently heated using small amounts of wood, charcoal or if fuel is scarce, twisted grass or even dried animal dung.

Traditionally, the recipe includes meat, vegetables, starches like rice or potatoes, all slow-cooked with Dutch-Malay spices, the distinctive spicing of South Africa's early culinary melting pot. Traditionally, liquid should never be added to the pot and the contents should never be stirred, as the lid keeps all liquids and flavors circulating throughout cooking. It is saidWho|date=June 2008 that for a correctly cooked potjie, spices only enhance the taste. Other common ingredients include fruits and flour-based products like pasta. Even beer might be added by more adventurous cooks.

Potjiekos originated with the Voortrekkers, evolving as a stew made of venison and vegetables (if available), cooked in the potjie. As "trekkers" (pioneers) shot wild game, it was added to the pot. The large bones were included to thicken the stew. Each day when the wagons stopped, the pot was placed over a fire to simmer. New bones replaced old and fresh meat replaced meat eaten. Game included venison, poultry such as guinea fowl, wart hog, bushpig, rabbit and hare.

Broadly speaking, Africans, Afrikaners and English South Africans all cook potjiekos, but lounging around the fire for hours while socializing and enjoying side dishes is most culturally ingrained among the Afrikaners, for whom potjiekos spicing is an esteemed art.

Today there are numerous recipe books and potjiekos chefs, each with their own "secret" ingredients for potjiekos. Several annual potjiekos competitions are held.

ee also

*Sač spell (sach)


External links

* [http://funkymunky.co.za/potjiekos.html Everything You Wanted to Know About Potjiekos]
* [http://www.texaspotjie.com The Potjiekos tradition lives on in Texas]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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