

Sudarium is a Latin word, literally meaning 'sweat cloth', used for wiping clean.

In Christian liturgy, the term has been used as a synonym for several textile objects:
* The original maniple, a cloth of fine quality to wipe away perspiration, or an ornamental handkerchief which was seldom put into actual use, but was generally carried in the hand as an ornament as was commonly done by people of rank in ordinary life.
* The predecessor of the humeral veil.
* The predecessor of the vimpa, a veil or shawl worn over the shoulders of servers who carry the miter and crosier in liturgical functions when they are not being used by the bishop.
* The cloth suspended from the crozier at the place where the bishop would grasp it, still depicted in ecclesiastical heraldry and used by cistercian abbots.
* The a veil used by the subdeacon to hold the paten with: a pall(a) or mappula, palla, the forerunner of the chalice veil, the ends of which he threw over his right shoulder.

It specifically refers to two controversial, relics of the Passion of Jesus Christ:
* the Sudarium of Oviedo
* the Veil of Veronica

ources and references

* [ Sudarium] articles from "The Catholic Encyclopaedia"

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  • SUDARIUM — linteum operimentum, apud Antiquos, capitis hominis demortui; memoratur Ioh. c. 11. v. 44. ubi de Lazaro a CHRISTO resuscitato, Tum qui fuer at mortuus, prodiit pedes et manus vinctus fasciis, vultus autem eius Sudariô erat obvinctus. Et Ioh. c.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Sudarium — Su*da ri*um, n. [L., a handkerchief.] (Eccl.) The handkerchief upon which the Savior is said to have impressed his own portrait miraculously, when wiping his face with it, as he passed to the crucifixion. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • sudarium — /sooh dair ee euhm/, n., pl. sudaria / dair ee euh/. 1. (in ancient Rome) a cloth, usually of linen, for wiping the face; handkerchief. 2. (sometimes cap.) veronica1 (def. 3). [1595 1605; < L sudarium, equiv. to sud(are) to SWEAT + arium ARY] * * …   Universalium

  • Sudarium of Oviedo — The Sudarium of Oviedo, or Shroud of Oviedo, is a bloodstained cloth, measuring c. 84 x 53 cm, kept in the Camara Santa of the Cathedral of San Salvador, Oviedo, Spain. This small chapel was built specifically for the cloth by King Alfonso II of… …   Wikipedia

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