- Hero of Byzantium
Hero of Byzantium is believed to be the literary pseudonym of an otherwise anonymous Byzantine author of a
poliorketikon , an illustrated manual of siegecraft, dating from "circa"950 . He is also credited with the "Geodaesia ", a work in practicalgeometry andballistics which makes use of locations aroundConstantinople to illustrate its points. His "Poliorketikon" was an adaptation of an earlier (c.100 ) poliorcetic manual ofApollodorus , but in place of the static two-dimensional diagrams of that work, the Byzantine author has used a three-dimensional perspective and scaled human figures to clarify the passages. Further, there are passages or techniques fromAthenaeus Mechanicus ,Philo of Byzantium andBiton . The translated manuscript in the Vatican Library consists of 58 folios and 38 colored illustrations. Asartillery had not yet become a factor in siegecraft, the machines themselves tend to be those useful for advancing a force up tofortification s and mining them once situated. Hero includes tortoises (Gr. Χηλοναι), a new Slavic style of tortoise called "laisai" (Gr. λαισαι) created by interwoven branches and vines,palisade s, rams,ladder s, nets, towers, bridges, and tools such asaugur s andbore s.ources
* [http://www.deremilitari.org/RESOURCES/pdfs/mcgeer.pdf "Byzantine Siege Warfare in Theory and Practice"] by Eric McGeer from "The Medieval City under Siege".
*Porter, Pamela. "Medieval Warfare in Manuscripts".
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