Convolvulus cantabrica

Convolvulus cantabrica
Convolvulus cantabrica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Solanales
Family: Convolvulaceae
Genus: Convolvulus
Species: C. cantabrica
Binomial name
Convolvulus cantabrica
  • Convolvulus cardiosepalus Boiss.
  • Convolvulus dorycnioides De Not. [1]

Convolvulus cantabrica, common name Cantabrican Morning Glory or Dwarf morning glory, is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the genus Convolvulus of the Convolvulaceae family.



This bindweed is a hemicryptophyte scapose plant reaching on average 2050 centimetres (7.920 in) in height. It has simple, alternate, lanceolate leaves, coarsely hairy on both sides. The wide funnel-shaped flowers are actinomorphic ("star shaped", "radial") and arranged on a long petiole at the leaf axils. The corolla is 15-25 mm long and usually pale pink, but it can be completely white. The flowers are hermaphrodite and pollinated by insects (entomogamy). The flowering period extends from May through October. The fruits are globose and pubescent capsules with 2-4 brownish seeds.



This species is native to southern Europe and widespread in the Mediterranean coasts.


Convolvulus cantabrica prefers rocky places, sunny slopes, xerophilous prairies, dry grassland and scrublands with calcareous soil, at an altitude of 01,300 metres (04,300 ft) above sea level.


  1. ^ Synonyms in Anthos

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