comings and goings — noun plural activity consisting of people arriving and leaving many times: The landlady was keeping an eye on his comings and goings … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
comings and goings — noun plural : affairs, doings, activities * * * comings and goings UK US noun [plural] activity consisting of people arriving and leaving many times The landlady was keeping an eye on his comings and goings. Thesaurus: arrivals and entrances … Useful english dictionary
comings and goings — N PLURAL: with poss Comings and goings refers to the way people keep arriving at and leaving a particular place. Crowds of refugees gather to watch the comings and goings of the journalists... She had to report her comings and goings to Sister… … English dictionary
comings and goings — {n. pl.}, {informal} 1. Times of arriving and going away; movements. * /I can t keep up with the children s comings and goings./ 2. Activities; doings; business. * /Mary knows all the comings and goings in the neighborhood./ … Dictionary of American idioms
comings and goings — {n. pl.}, {informal} 1. Times of arriving and going away; movements. * /I can t keep up with the children s comings and goings./ 2. Activities; doings; business. * /Mary knows all the comings and goings in the neighborhood./ … Dictionary of American idioms
comings\ and\ goings — n. pl. informal 1. times of arriving and going away; movements. I can t keep up with the children s comings and goings. 2. Activities; doings; business. Mary knows all the comings and goings in the neighborhood … Словарь американских идиом
comings and goings — UK / US noun [plural] activity consisting of people arriving and leaving many times The landlady was keeping an eye on his comings and goings … English dictionary
comings — com·ing || kÊŒmɪŋ n. arrival, approach, advent adj. promising, on the way to fame or success; approaching, next, imminent … English contemporary dictionary
comings-in — comˈings inˈ plural noun Income • • • Main Entry: ↑come … Useful english dictionary
George Comings — George F. Comings (1848 ndash;1942) was a Wisconsin politician. He was born in Vermont in 1848, but moved to St. Joseph, Michigan with his parents in 1870. In 1900, Comings moved to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where he was a dairyman and bred Holstein … Wikipedia