

Sisygambis was the daughter of king Artaxerxes II Memnon, who married Arsames of Ostanes and was the mother of Darius III of Persia, whose reign was ended during the wars of Alexander the Great.

At the Battle of Issus (333 BC), Darius' army was routed and the Persian king fled the field, leaving his extended family, including his mother, his wife Stateira I, his children, and many others to the mercy of Alexander. Alexander captured them, but treated them well. Stateira I died giving birth around 332 BC and some suspect that the child was that of Alexander.

Quintus Curtius Rufus informs us of the reaction of Sisygambis to this desertion by Darius; Sisygambis never forgave him, and when called upon to mourn his death was reported to have said, "I have only one son (Alexander) and he is king of all Persia".

She married her granddaughter, Stateira II, to Alexander in 324 BC. On hearing of the death of Alexander, Sisygambis had herself sealed into her rooms and died of grief and starvation.

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