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The Codice (Conseil pour la Diffusion de la Culture Economique, Council for the Development of Economic Literacy in English) is an independent authority that was created in 2006 at the initiative of the Minister of Economic Affairs, Industry and Employment of France[1], in order to give answers to the democratic issue of economic literacy. Christine Lagarde, the current French Minister of Economy, extended the Codices mission in 2008. The Codice is in charge of formulating propositions on simple and concrete actions for economic literacy.



In order to fulfil its mission, the Codice has been created as an independent think-tank and gathers business, education, economics and media experts committed to this cause.

TheComité des Sages“ (Strategic Committee), presided by Eric Le Boucher, editorial director of economic newspaper Enjeux-Les Echos sets guiding principles.

An Executive Committee of 12 members, headed by Nicolas Bordas, CEO of TBWA\France, conducts the action of the Codice.

Finally, the General Delegation, presided by Isabelle Knock-Méo, assists and monitors the implementation of the actions decided by the Executive Committee.


  • The launching of a new youth-oriented website that deals with economy
  • The organization of Ateliers de lEconomie (literally Economy Workshops) in partnership with the AJEF (Association of Economic and Financial Journalists) and the Bercy staff. The main goal is to organize meetings between high-level experts and journalists on burning economic issues, while debates during those meetings are to be kept private[2].
  • The backing of NGOs through seed capital that financesbest practicein economic pedagogy.
  • The promotion of the teaching of economy at school.


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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • codice — CÓDICE, codice, s.n. 1. Reunire de table cerate, reprezentând cea mai veche formă de carte la romani. 2. Culegere (manuscrisă) de legi, de documente medievale sau, p. ext. de orice texte vechi (medievale), de obicei cu conţinut variat [Var: códex …   Dicționar Român

  • codice — / kɔditʃe/ s.m. [dal lat. codex dĭcis ]. 1. (bibl.) [libro scritto a mano, del periodo anteriore alla diffusione della stampa] ▶◀ manoscritto. ⇓ autografo, palinsesto. 2. (giur.) [raccolta organica di norme giuridiche, relative a una materia o a… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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  • códice — s. m. 1. Volume antigo manuscrito (particularmente se trata de história) organizado em cadernos, solidários entre si por cosedura e encadernação. 2. Obra de autor clássico …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • códice — sustantivo masculino 1. Libro manuscrito antiguo de importancia histórica o literaria, normalmente anterior a la invención de la imprenta, a mediados del siglo XV: La biblioteca del Escorial es rica en códices …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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  • codice — cò·di·ce s.m. 1. TS filol., paleograf. libro manoscritto, in contrapposizione al libro a stampa (abbr. cod.): codice cartaceo, membranaceo, codice autografo, codice miscellaneo, codice mutilo Sinonimi: manoscritto. 2. TS dir. raccolta organica e… …   Dizionario italiano

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