Clemens Blume

Clemens Blume

Clemens Blume (31 January 1862 Billerbeck - 1932) was a Jesuit hymnologist.


Blume was educated at the Jesuit gymnasium, Feldkirch, Austria, Jesuit scholasticates in Holland and England and the universities of Prague and Bonn. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1878, was gymnasium professor at Feldkirch in 1887-90 and ordained priest in 1893. He devoted himself to hymnological research, visiting most of the libraries of Europe. With Guido M. Dreves, he was coeditor of Analecta Hymnica medii ævi (1896–1905), and editor of Analecta Hymnica medii ævi (consisting of 57 volumes). He is author of Das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis (1893), Repertorium Repertorii oder kritischer Wegweiser durch Ul. Chevalier's Repertorium Hymnologicum (1901), Wolstan von Winchester und Vital von Saint Evroult (1903), Cursus S. Benedicti Nursini und die liturgische Hymnen des 6.-9. Jahrhunderts (1908), Ein Jahrtausend lateinischer Hymnendichtung, Eine Blutenlese aus den Analecta Hymnica (1909), Ursprung des Ambrosianischen Lobgesanges (1912). He collaborated in Buchberger's Kirchliches Handlexikon and contributed to Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, Die Kirchenmusik and the Catholic Encyclopedia.


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