Clean Green Cayo

Clean Green Cayo

Clean Green Cayo is an environmental project led by the Rotaract Club of San Ignacio in Cayo district, Belize. The Rotaract Club is a youth service and leadership project carried out under the auspices of local Rotary Clubs and Rotary International at large.

The primary objective of Clean Green Cayo is to educate and create a more Eco-friendly mindset amongst the local community. This seven phase environmental project will demonstrate to the community that there are simple concrete actions that can be taken to improve the quality of life and boost the local economy through a paradigm shift and individual commitment to living more Eco-friendly lives.

Seven Phase Environmental Project

  • Phase 1 - Environmental Awareness Media Campaign
  • Phase 2 - Creation of trench, berm and ficus tree wall
  • Phase 3 - Reforestation in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forrest Reserve
  • Phase 4 - Highway and Riverside Adoption
  • Phase 5 - Initiating Multi-institutional Recycling
  • Phase 6 - Waste bin acquisition, distribution and promotion of use
  • Phase 7 - Educational Campaign in school system

Ficus Friends

All volunteers involved in this project will be encouraged to become a "Ficus Friend" by pledging their commitment to the environment verbally and receiving the Ficus Friend Seminar which includes an introduction to Rotaract and Rotary International as well as the Four-Way Test, Best Eco-friendly practices and Public Speaking as well as Pedagogical Techniques when explaining the importance and benefits of protecting and conserving the vast biodiversity in the Cayo district.

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