Christian Braunmann Tullin

Christian Braunmann Tullin
Christian Braunmann Tullin

Christian Braunmann Tullin (6 September 1728 – 21 January 1765) was a Norwegian businessman and poet, born in Christiania. He was city manager for Christiania from 1763, and was also Chairman for the Board of Customs and Excise. He was regarded as one of Denmark-Norway's most important poetic talents by his contemporaries.[1][2]

His Samtlige Skrifter (Complete Writings) were issued in Copenhagen 1770–1773 (three volumes). The first volume contained his poetry, while the two others contained essays.[2]


  1. ^ Henriksen, Petter, ed (2007). "Christian Braunman Tullin" (in Norwegian). Store norske leksikon. Oslo: Kunnskapsforlaget. Retrieved 22 March 2009. 
  2. ^ a b Noreng, Harald (2005). "Christian Braunmann Tullin". In Helle, Knut (in Norwegian). Norsk biografisk leksikon. 9. Oslo: Kunnskapsforlaget. Retrieved 22 March 2009. 

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