- Great Gish
Gish or Great Gish was by far the most popular god of the Kafirs of Hindukush
mythology and received the greatest amount of attention among theSiah-Posh Kafirs of Bashgul. Every village of Bashgul had one or more shrines dedicated to him.Gish was the war-god and as a man, he was a typical Kafir. His earthly name was Yazid, and he is stated to have killed "Ali", "Hasan" and "Husain" and nearly every famous
Muslim known to the Kafirs of Hindukush. Countless bulls and billy goats were sacrificed each year to him and the drums were beaten in his honor for fifteen continuous days, every spring, by the Kafir slaves.Every time a Kafir came home after successfully killing a Muslim, a victory dance was held to Gish.
In the Kafir pantheon, Gish ranked next to god
Moni who was said to be the chiefprophet of godImra . Both Moni and Gish were created by Imra by his breath.H. A. Rose identifies god "Gish" with
Hindu god "Kishna" or Krishna (Krishna appears as Gisane in Armenian).
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