- Duployan shorthand
Duployan shorthands Type light-line geometric alphabetic stenography Languages French English German Spanish Romanian Chinook Jargon Lillooet Thompson Okanagan Creator Émile Duployé Published 1868 (Pernin: 1877, Sloan: 1883, Ellis: 1888, LeJeune: 1891) Status historic and hobbyist usage Child systems Malone's Script Phonography ISO 15924 Dupl, 755 Unicode range Provisional Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols. The Duployan shorthand, or Duployan stenography, (French: Sténographie Duployé), was created by Father Émile Duployé in 1860 for writing French. Since then, it has been expanded and adapted for writing English, German, Spanish, Romanian, and Chinook Jargon.[1] The Duployan stenography is classified as a geometric, alphabetic, stenography and is written left-to-right in connected stenographic style. The Duployan shorthands, including Chinook writing, Pernin's Universal Phonography, Perrault's English Shorthand, the Sloan-Duployan Modern Shorthand, and Romanian stenography, have been submitted for inclusion as a single script in the next version of The Unicode Standard / ISO 10646, and has been provisionally allocated to code points U+1BC00..U+1BC9F.[2][3][4]
Typology and structure
Duployan is classified as a geometric stenography, in that the prototype for letterforms are based on lines and circles, instead of ellipses. It is alphabetic, with both consonant and vowel signs in equal prominence. Writing is in a Left-to-Right direction, proceeding down the page, as in standard European writing. Most Duployan letters will attach to adjacent letters, allowing a word (or words) to be written in a single stroke, without lifting the pen.[1]
Consonant characters come in two basic styles: line consonants and arc consonants. All consonants have a shape, size, and stroke direction that do not change based on the surrounding characters. Both types of consonants are contrasted by orientation, length, and the presence of ancillary dots and dashes on or near the letter.
The line consonants come in five orientations: vertical, horizontal, left-to-right falling, left-to-right rising, and right-to-left falling; and in three lengths: short, long, and extended. Variations of some line consonants will have dots adjacent to the center of the line.
Arc consonants come in two arc lengths: half circle, and quarter circle. The half circle arcs have four orientations: left, right, top, and bottom half; and two lengths: regular and extended. Variations of the half circle arc consonants have dots inside and outside of the bowl, and dashes across the middle. The quarter arc consonants also have four orientations corresponding to the four quadrants of a circle, with both upwards and downwards strokes, and come in regular and extended lengths. The only variant quarter arc consonant is the addition of a dot (Duployan letter H) to the Duployan letter W to make the Duployan letter Wh.[1]
Émile DuployéVowels
Vowels characters also come in two basic styles: circle vowels, and orienting vowels. Vowels have only a general shape and size, but their orientation and exact appearance are usually dictated by the adjacent characters.
Circle vowels are written by creating a loop that starts from the preceding character acting as a tangent, continuing around the circle until reaching the tangent point of the following character, at which point the following letterform is written, with the two adjacent characters crossing to complete the "circle". Variants of the circle vowels have dots in the middle of the circle, or a protuberance in from the circle. Circle vowels may also take standard diacritic marks when used to write some languages.
Some circle vowels
Orienting vowels are written by rotating the vowel to match the incoming angle of the preceding character, then mirrored along the axis of that character to avoid the following character crossing. They come in two varieties, defined by whether they will tend toward the right or left if the adjacent characters will allow either. Nasal vowels are considered a special case of an orienting vowel, and will act as orienting vowels, except in the Chinook script, where nasals can appear as diacritics.[1]Affixes and word signs
Many Duployan shorthands use small unattached marks, as well as various crossing and touching strokes, as markers for common prefixes and suffixes. Individual letters and letterlike symbols are also used in many Duployan shorthands to stand for common words and phrases. Overlapping two or more letters and signs can be used in some shorthands as word signs and abbreviations.[1]
Most Duployan scripts do not make use of true ligatures that are not just one of its constituent letters with a distinguishing mark. The Romanian stenography is fairly unique in having a number of vowel ligatures, especially with the Romanian U.[1]
Connecting letters
Most Duployan letters cursively connect to any adjacent letters. Circle vowels will sometimes reduce to as small as a semi-circle in order to accommodate the incoming and outgoing strokes of adjacent letters, and orienting vowels will rotate to meet the preceding letter at a straight angle, while mirroring to present themselves to the following letter.
Alphabetical order
Duployan does not have a widely agreed alphabetical order. A precursory order for the alphabet has been invented for the Unicode script proposal, however; and this order can basically be found in the order of the Unicode allocation (see below). This order places consonants before vowels, with similar type and size letters grouped roughly together by shape and size.
Table of characters
This table lists the characters used in all of the Duployan shorthands. The Unicode code points listed are not official until the publication of a future version of the Unicode Standard and may change before that time. A basic alphabetization can be derived from the order of the letters. Letters with a name otherwise identical to a more universal letter will have a parenthetical denoting its shorthand of use, with (Rom) = Romanian stenography and (Sl) = Sloan-Duployan shorthand
Spacing and line consonants
spacing consonants short line consonants Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Name Name Name Name Name Name Name 1BC00 1BC01 1BC02 1BC03 1BC04 1BC05 1BC06 H X P T F K L long line consonants extended line consonants 1BC07 1BC08 1BC09 1BC0A 1BC0B 1BC0C 1BC0D 1BC0E 1BC0F 1BC10 B D V G R PN DS FN KM RS variant line consonants 1BC11 1BC12 1BC13 1BC14 1BC15 1BC16 1BC17 1BC18 Th Dh (Sl) Dh Kk J (Sl) hL Lh Rh Arc consonants
half arc consonants half arc consonants (cross variants) Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name 1BC19 1BC1A 1BC1B 1BC1C 1BC1D 1BC1E 1BC1F 1BC20 M N J S MN NM JM SJ half arc consonants (dotted variants) large variant half arc consonants 1BC21 1BC22 1BC23 1BC24 1BC25 1BC26 1BC2F 1BC30 1BC31 M + dot N + dot J + dot J + dots S + dot S + dot below JS + dot JN JNS large half arc consonants large half arc consonants (cross variants) 1BC27 1BC28 1BC29 1BC2A 1BC2B 1BC2C 1BC2D 1BC2E MS NS JS SS MNS NMS JMS SJS downslope quarter arc consonants large downslope quarter arc consonants 1BC32 1BC33 1BC34 1BC35 1BC36 1BC37 1BC38 1BC39 1BC3A ST STR SP SPR TS TSR W Wh WR upslope quarter arc consonants large upslope quarter arc consonants 1BC3B 1BC3C 1BC3D 1BC3E 1BC3F 1BC40 SN SM KRS GRS SK SKR Vowels
Affixes, marks, punctuation, and others
invariant attached affixes Code Affix Code Affix Code Affix Code Affix Code Affix Code Affix 1BC70 1BC71 1BC72 1BC73 1BC74 1BC75 orienting attached affixes 1BC76 1BC77 1BC78 1BC79 1BC7A 1BC7B 1BC7C high affixes 1BC80 1BC81 1BC82 1BC83 1BC84 1BC85 1BC86 1BC87 1BC88 low affixes 1BC90 1BC91 1BC92 1BC93 1BC94 1BC95 1BC96 1BC97 1BC98 1BC99 Other marks and symbols Code Symbol Code Symbol Code Symbol Name Name Name 1BC9C 1BC9E 1BC9F Chinook Likalisti (eucharist) sign Double Mark Chinook punctuation mark Invisible Unicode format characters Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name 1BC7F Duployan Thick
Letter Selector1BCA0 Shorthand Format
Letter Overlap1BCA1 Shorthand Format
Continuing Overlap1BCA2 Shorthand Format
Down Step1BCA3 Shorthand Format
Up StepFrench Duployan
The use of French Duployan shorthand has historically been heavier in areas of southern France and Switzerland, with the Prévost-Delaunay and Aimé-Paris shorthands more common in northern France and the Paris area.
French Duployan makes use of an extensive list of letter words, combined consonants, and affix marks, but does not cross letters to make abbreviations. Like most European shorthands, French Duployan omits vowels that can be guessed by a fluent speaker.[5][6]
Chinook writing
The Chinook writing, or Wawa shorthand, was developed by Father J.M.R. LeJeune in the early 1890s for writing in Chinook Jargon, Lillooet, Thompson, Okanagan, and English, with the intended purpose of bringing literacy and church teaching to the first nations in the Catholic Diocese of Kamloops. The result was three decades' publication of the Chinook Jargon language Kamloops Wawa.
The Chinook writing is notable by the absence of affixes and word signs, the phonological rigor - vowels were not omitted, even when predictable - and its use of W-vowels. Chinook writing is also notable in splitting a word into nominally syllabic units as well as using the only non-joining consonant characters in Duployan.[7][8]
Romanian stenography
The Romanian stenography was developed by Margaretta Sfinţescu in the 1980s. Like French Duployan, Romanian stenography uses a large number of affix marks and word signs.[9]
English shorthands
Several people made adaptations of Duployan for writing English, including Helen Pernin, J. Matthew Sloan, Denis Perrault, Carl Brandt, and George Galloway. The Pernin, Perrault, and Sloan shorthands are distinguished from other Duployan shorthands by the presence of the quarter-arc compound consonants. They also make use of affix marks, and omit redundant vowels.[10][11][12] Galloway and Brandt shorthands are not included in the Duployan Unicode proposal. [1]
Unlike other Duployan shorthands, Sloan-Duployan uses a thick stroke to indicate the addition of an "R" sound to a letter. Although not found in the other Duployan shorthands, contrastive thick and thin strokes are common in other shorthands, such as Pitman shorthand, where thick strokes indicate a voiced consonant, while thin strokes indicate the unvoiced version of the same consonant.[10]
- ^ a b c d e f g h Anderson, Van (2010-09-24). "Proposal to include Duployan script and Shorthand Format Controls in UCS" (PDF). http://std.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2/docs/n3895.pdf.
- ^ a b c d e f g Anderson, Van; Michael Everson (2011-05-30). "Resolving chart and collation order for the Duployan script" (PDF). http://std.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2/docs/n4088.pdf.
- ^ "Roadmap to the SMP". http://unicode.org/roadmaps/smp/.
- ^ "Resolutions of WG 2 meeting 58". ftp://std.dkuug.dk/ftp.anonymous/JTC1/SC2/WG2/docs/n4104.pdf. Retrieved 2011-06-10.
- ^ Hautefeuille and Ramaude. Cours de Sténographie Duployé Fondamentale.
- ^ "Stenographie Integrale". http://www.stenographie.ch/stenographie_integrale.pdf.
- ^ LeJeune, Jean Marie Raphael. "Chinook Rudiments". http://chinookjargon.home.att.net/ljcr24.htm.
- ^ LeJeune, Jean Marie Raphael. "Kamloops Wawa". http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/ItemRecord/8_04645?id=58e68ecda9cb15cd.
- ^ Sfinţescu, Margaretta (1984). Curs De Stenografie. http://www.archive.org/stream/CursDeStenografie/stenografie#page/n0/mode/2up.
- ^ a b Sloan, J.M. (1882). Modern Shorthand. the Sloan-Duployan Phonographic Instructor. Ramsgate, England; St. John's, NL; Brisbane, QLD.
- ^ Perrault, Denis R. (1918). Perrault-Duployan Complete Elementary Course of Stenography in Six Lessons. Montreal.
- ^ Pernin, Helen M. (1902). Pernin's Universal Phonography. Detroit, MI.
Categories:- Duployan shorthand
- Shorthand systems
- Alphabetic writing systems
- 1868 introductions
- Unicode proposals
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