Chindora khatauli

Chindora khatauli

CHINDORA is a 3000 voted village on Meerapur road near(Khatauli/ Jansath ) (Khatauli is a small town in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh in India. This village has majority of Rawa Rajputs (a Rajput community). Apart from Rawa Rajputs there are All other castes.Agriculture is the main source of income for almost all the villagers.Some people have started working in small industries in Khatauli while others have their own shops there. The literacy rate is quite high now.This village is called one of the bravest village in the nearby area. The Literacy rate of this village is very good. The area of this village is not too much but people of this village are very cooprative and helpful to each other.All the youth are educated.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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