Santa Maria della Croce, Crema

Santa Maria della Croce, Crema

Coordinates: 45°2230.80N 9°4151.56E / 45.375222°N 9.6976556°E / 45.375222; 9.6976556

Santa Maria della Croce.
Detail of the western body.

Santa Maria della Croce is a Roman Catholic sanctuary in Crema, Lombardy, northern Italy.


The church is located on the place (once outside Crema's medieval walls) where Caterina degli Uberti, a local woman, was killed by his husband on 13 February 1489. According to the legend, a few months later the site became the source of several miracles, and the commune decided to build here a sanctuary .

The work was commissioned to the Lodi architect Giovanni Battagio, a disciple of Bramante. However, he left the works in 1500, and was replaced by Giovanni Montanaro. The sanctuary, then still being built, was damaged in the 1514 siege of the city.

In 1694 the sanctuary was given to the Discalced Carmelites who, in 1706, begun the construction of the annexed convent. In 1710 they also added a bell tower. They were forced to live Crema in 1810, after it has been conquered by Napoleon. In 1914 the original pavement, in cotto, was replaced by the current on in tiles. Santa Maria della Croce became a minor basilica in 1958.

In recent year, the Sanctuary was entrusted to the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, a religious community of men who live a contemplative and apostolic life and currently serve also in Milan, Rome, and Sicily.


Battagio designed the church on the Latin cross plan, with a c. 35 m-tall central structure (circular externally, octagonal internally), to which four smaller units, with an height of some 15 m, are joined. The building's exterior consists of undecorated bricks.

View of the interior.

The main unit is divided into four rows, the lower having pilasters, the second a gallery with mullioned windows, while the third has triple arches forming double mullioned windows with decorated parapets. The uppermost row was modified by Montanaro from the original project, and has a small with small columns and mullions.

The side, with a tiled roof, bodies are octagonal, and house the church's main portals (western body) and two others (northern and southern), surmounted by a tympanum. The upper part of the side bodies merges with the central one's loggia. The bell tower is decorated with rustication, and is divided into six levels, including the lantern at the top.

The interior is on two levels. The upper ones houses the high altar, which comes from the city's cathedral, and is highly decorated in lapis lazuli and bronze. The altarpiece is an Assumption by Benedetto Rusconi. The presbytery has four statues of the Doctors of the Church, executed by Agostino de Fondulis. The side altars have a rich stucco decoration by Giovan Battista Castello (1585). The altarpieces are by Antonio Campi, Bernardino Campi and Carlo Urbino.

The dome is decorated internally by the Mystic Visions of St. Therese of Avila by Giacomo Parravicino (1702).


  • Zucchelli, Giorgio (2003). S. Maria della Croce. Crema: Il Nuovo Torrazzo. 

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