Thurston Word Fluency Test

Thurston Word Fluency Test

The Thurstone Word Fluency Test, also known as the Chicago Word Fluency Test,[1] was developed by Louis Thurstone in 1938 [2] The test is used to measure an individual's symbolic verbal fluency.[3][4][5] The test ask the subject to write as many words as possible beginning with the letter 'S' within a 5 minute limit, then as many words as possible beginning with letter 'C' within 4 minute limit.

The total number of 'S' and 'C' words produced, minus the number of rule-breaking and perseverative responses, yield the patients’ measure of verbal fluency.

The CWFT is used as one of the measures of brain's frontal lobe function.


See also

Further reading


  1. ^ Kolb, Bryan, and Ian Q. Whishaw. Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology. New York: Worth, 2008. ISBN 9780716795865 p.443 [1]
  2. ^ Thurstone, LL and Thurstone, TG. Primary Mental Abilities Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press ,1938 OCLC 741860993
  3. ^ Pendleton, Mark G. et al. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, Vol 4(4), (Dec 1982), 307-317. doi: 10.1080/01688638208401139
  4. ^ Leslie A. Burton, Debra Henninger & Jessica Hafetz "Gender Differences in Relations of Mental Rotation, Verbal Fluency, and SAT Scores to Finger Length Ratios as Hormonal Indexes" Developmental Neuropsychology 28(1), (2005) DOI:10.1207/s15326942dn2801_3
  5. ^ S. L. Morrison-Stewarta1,et al. "Frontal and non-frontal lobe neuropsychological test performance and clinical symptomatology in schizophrenia Psychological Medicine (1992), 22: 353-359 doi DOI: 10.1017/S0033291700030294

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