Psychological Medicine

Psychological Medicine

title = Psychological Medicine

| image_size = 200px | image_caption =
editor = Kenneth S. Kendler; Robin M. Murray
frequency = Monthly
category = Psychiatry, Science, Psychology
company =
firstdate = 1969
country = flag|United Kingdom
language = English
website = | issn = 0033-2917

"Psychological Medicine" is a leading international journal in the fields of psychiatry, and related aspects of psychology and basic sciences. There are twelve issues a year, each featuring original articles reporting key research being undertaken worldwide, together with literature reviews and shorter editorials by distinguished scholars, as well as an important book review section.]

Foundation of Psychological Medicine

The journal was founded by Michael Shepherd in 1969 and he remained its editor until 1993. It is interesting to note that Shepherd favoured the term "Psychological Medicine" over "Psychiatry" and he attached great importance to the title which he resurrected from the "Journal of Psychological Medicine", first conceived by Forbes Winslow. He defined psychological medicine as including not only psychiatry but also the study of abnormal behaviour from the medical point of view. He aimed to concentrate on original high-quality work across the wide spectrum of both psychiatry and its allied disciplines and contributed extensively himself investing much time and care towards its success.Gerald Russell, "Obituary", Psychiatric Bulletin, (1996), 20, 632-637] According to his successor, "Psychological Medicine" was to become perhaps his greatest and most enduring creation set in an academic and research career which was already highly distinguished. [Paykel, E. (1994) "Michael Shepherd: Founding Editor. Editorial", Psychological Medicine. 24. 1.]


The journal has been described as "arguably the finest psychiatric journal in the English-speaking world" Anthony Clare, "OBITUARY”, Independent, The (London). Aug 30, 1995.] and the journal's success is clearly demonstrated by a consistently high impact factor.


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